program FITTER c Author: Glen Cowan c Date: 7-Dec-1998 c A simple driver routine for MINUIT including some graphics output c with HIGZ/HPLOT routines. implicit NONE c local variables integer device_type integer ird integer isav integer iwr double precision FCN external FCN c common block for data integer hbook_common_size parameter (hbook_common_size = 40000) integer hmemor (hbook_common_size) common /pawc/ hmemor integer nwords_kuip parameter (nwords_kuip=20000) c Initialize HBOOK/HPLOT/HIGZ/KUIP call HLIMIT (hbook_common_size) call KUINIT (nwords_kuip) device_type = 1 call HPLINT (device_type) c Initialize MINUIT ird = 5 ! unit number for input to Minuit (keyboard) iwr = 6 ! unit number for output from Minuit (screen) isav = 7 ! unit number for use of the SAVE command call MINTIO (ird, iwr, isav) call MINUIT (FCN,0) call HPLEND END