TrigFastSimTool Performance Study

This is an ongoing study in collaboration with Pilar Casado.

Quick comparison of response of fully simulated trigger signature (tau20i) with  parametrised response given by TrigFastSimTool.

These plots are somewhat misleading! Both the test sample and the parametrisation table in TrigFastSimTool were obtained from filtered W->tau nu events, where only hadronic tau decays were allowed. GenParticles are selected (both in the TrigFastSimTool and for plotting the true tau PT) by requiring status == 3 (hard-scatter particles). Need to find better ways of selecting GenParticles in the tool.

The plots below were made from 2000 W->tau nu events (hadronic tau decays). There is only onw tau with status 3 per event.

true tau PT true tau eta
tau20i efficiency (PT) tau20i efficiency (eta)

The plots below were made from 2000 Z->tau tau events (hadronic tau decays). The horizontal axis is the true eta/pT of the highest-pT tau with status 3 in the event (there are usually 2.
pt eta
eff eff

Ricardo Goncalo
Last modified 1 July 08