Accelerator Test Facility 2 - KEK, Japan ======================================== This is the 1.3GeV energy scaled test facility for the ILC final focus system. The real machine consists of an approximately 70m normal conducting linac, transfer line, racetrack damping ring and finally an extraction line. This model represents only the ~100m extraction line. The model was prepared in MADX and the Twiss output in MADX TFS format is provided (with tar gzip). Two copies of this are provided with only the energy spread in the header being different - in one case, the nominal 0.0008, and the other 0. Three converted versions are provided. These are: 1) "linsige0" - linear optics, with fractional energy spread 0. 2) "linsige" - linear optics, with nominal fractional energy spread 0.0008. 3) "nlsige" - full nonlinear optics, with nominal fractional energy spread 0.0008. How to run:: bdsim --file=linsige.gmad --outfile=test1 .. figure:: atf2.png :width: 100% :align: center The full machine as visualised by default in BDSIM. .. figure:: atf22.png :width: 100% :align: center The full machine looking from the beginning to the end. .. figure:: atf23.png :width: 100% :align: center The full machine looking from the end to the beginning with perspective. .. figure:: atf2-sigma.pdf :width: 100% :align: center Comparison of beam size as calculated by `rebdsimOptics` from tracking 1000 particles through the full machine.