************ Introduction ************ Purpose of BDSIM ================ Beam Delivery Simulation (BDSIM) is a C++ program that utilises the Geant4 toolkit to simulate both the transport of particles in an accelerator and their interaction with the accelerator material. BDSIM is capable of simulating a wide variety of accelerator components and magnets with Geant4 geometry dynamically built based on a text input file. Thick lens accelerator tracking routines are provided for fast accurate tracking in a vacuum. What BDSIM is suitable for -------------------------- * Single particle Monte-Carlo simulations of particle accelerators * Simulating beam loss in a particle accelerator * Simulating particle transport in an accelerator where matter interaction is expected, such as transport in air. * Simulating detector backgrounds from halo and machine background sources What BDSIM is not intended for ------------------------------ * Long-term tracking studies * Simulating collective effects * Lattice optical design and optimisation * A replacement for tracking codes like MAD-X, SixTrack or PTC Example Applications -------------------- * Detector background from the accelerator * Beam transport in air * Beam interaction with vacuum gas * Losses in beam extraction * Collimation system efficiency and secondary radiation * Transport of products from target through accelerator * LHC beam loss and energy deposition * CLIC muon background from the accelerator * Laserwire detector signal to background ratio * ILC collimator efficiency study and detector backgrounds See :ref:`worked-examples` for walk through examples with exact commands and input required and example plots. Capabilities ============ * BDSIM uses **ASCII** text input with a syntax designed to be very similar to **MAD8** / **MAD-X**. * Convert MAD-X / MAD8 / TRANSPORT model to a 3D model in minutes * Generate beam distribution according to Twiss parameters of a beam * Track beam distribution and records particle distribution after each component * Simulate energy deposition in all components along beam line * Calculate beam distribution and Twiss optical functions from particle distribution * Use the full set of physics processes available in Geant4 * Adjust cross-sections of processes of interest * Use externally provided geometry and field maps for a fully customised model * Interactively visualise a model in 3D as well as particle tracks * Analyse history and origin of radiation produced in accelerator with analysis suite * Strong reproducibility - recreate any event again exactly Simulation Procedure ==================== 1) Create a text input **.gmad** lattice for BDSIM by converting a **MAD-X** or **MAD8** Twiss file or writing your own manually. 2) Run BDSIM with core beam distribution for validation of optics and therefore model preparation. 3) Run BDSIM with desired input distribution and physics processes with low statistics to verify desired application. 4) Repeat 3) with greater statistics either as a single instance or on a computing cluster. 5) Analyse output data as desired. How BDSIM Works =============== * BDSIM builds a complete Geant4 model and runs it as a Geant4 model. * BDSIM does not link to another particle tracking code. * BDSIM does not pass information back and forth between two codes. * Thick lens tracking routines are used in place of normal 4th order Runge-Kutta integrators. * BDSIM provides the required transforms between Cartesian and Curvilinear coordinate systems for accelerator tracking routines. In a Geant4 program, code is written in C++ to construct a 3D model of the object to be simulated. A Geant4 example is shown below being interactively visualised. .. figure:: figures/geant4_application.png :width: 90% :align: center Example Geant4 program being visualised with events displayed. This is labour-intensive and inflexible for different accelerator models or optics. As accelerators typically consist of a standard set of components these can be made reasonably generic. BDSIM provides a library of geometries and fields that allow simple optical descriptions to be made into 3D models. Example screenshots are shown below. .. figure:: figures/example-beamLoss.png :width: 90% :align: center "beamLoss" example of four quadrupoles in a small tunnel section. .. figure:: figures/example-atf2.png :width: 90% :align: center Accelerator Test Facility 2 in KEK, Japan with tunnel model. .. figure:: figures/example-atf2-2.png :width: 90% :align: center Accelerator Test Facility 2 in KEK, Japan with tunnel model. Apart from the 3D geometry, a crucial component of a model is the electromagnetic fields. Fields in Geant4 may be specified through a developer-provided C++ class that returns the field vector as a function of global Cartesian variables `x`, `y`, `z` and `t`. BDSIM provides classes to describe the magnetic fields found for each type of accelerator magnet as well as the transforms so that they can be described *locally* with respect to a particular magnet. To calculate the motion of charged particle in a field, Geant4 uses a numerical integrator such as a 4th Order Runge-Kutta algorithm. This is the most general solution for a varying field but in an accelerator the specific fields have specific analytical solutions that can be used for improved accuracy and computational efficiency. BDSIM provides these tracking routines for "thick lens" tracking. These 'integrators' are typically constructed with a strength that represents the field (such as `k1` for a quadrupole) and the field vector :math:`\vec{B}` is ignored. Of course, in a full radiation transport simulation, there can be many different types of particles in all directions (even backwards). The thick lens tracking routines do not work for particles travelling backwards or perpendicular, so we resort back to a numerical integrator (typically 4th order Runge-Kutta) in these cases. The thick lens routines are used for paraxial particles only. Thick lens tracking routines typically work in a **curvilinear coordinate system** that follows the reference trajectory, whereas Geant4 must work in global Cartesian coordinates. BDSIM bridges these two systems with an automatically created parallel geometry of simple cylinders that follow the beam line. Using the coordinate system of this parallel geometry creates transforms between coordinate systems. .. _tracking-introduction: Tracking ======== There are a variety of particle tracking routines and BDSIM supplies several sets. The set "bdsimmatrix" issued *out-of-the-box* uses thick lens tracking and provides agreement with MAD-X and PTC tracking codes. A second set of routines called "bdsimtwo" is similar but differs in the way dipoles magnets are treated. In this case, a constant pure dipole field is used to calculate the motion of the particle (using a Rodrigues rotation in global Cartesian coordinates). The field is a 'hard-edge' field - it exists inside the volume at the same strength everywhere and is zero outside. Whilst the tracking algorithm is accurate, such a model does not agree with MAD-X or PTC when the dipoles have angled pole faces. This integrator set is computationally more efficient than the "bdsimmatrix" set, as no transforms between Cartesian and curvilinear coordinate systems are required for dipoles. In the case of a high-energy accelerator with no pole face angles or low angle bends, "bdsimtwo" may safely be used for accurate results and increased performance. .. note:: With the "bdsimmatrix" routines, the tracking associated with the pole face angle is handled not by the physical shape of the magnet but by the thick lens matrix. Therefore, no pole face angles are physically constructed. The tracking however does represent the pole faces. Developments underway will allow both correct tracking with the thick lens matrix and the physical angled pole face. Limits ====== Energy ------ The user must understand the validity of the Geant4 models used and the applicability of the physics processes / models at their energy regime. Most Geant4 high-energy processes will not work above (and including) 50 TeV for a single particle. In Geant4.10.4, limits have been raised to 100 TeV. Model Physical Size ------------------- BDSIM uses a small padding distance between all surfaces and in addition, Geant4 treats the intersection with every surface of every solid with a certain tolerance. Specifying a tolerance like this avoids infinite recursion (or at least costly recursion) to ascertain the intersection of a curved track with a surface. This tolerance is by default :math:`10^{-9}` mm. BDSIM and Geant4 use double floating point precision throughout providing approximately 15 to 16 significant figures. Therefore, a maximum size of a model while still maintaining tracking precision is :math:`10^7` mm. This leads us to conclude that a model of order the size of the LHC is a practical maximum. Developments are underway to dynamically adjust this tolerance so as to increase this size. Please contact us for advice (see :ref:`feature-request`). However, Geant4 and CLHEP are not fully templated (yet) to allow the use of higher precision numbers.