====================== Referencing & Citation ====================== Any publications including simulations made using pyg4ometry **must** cite: S.D. Walker, A. Abramov, L.J. Nevay, W. Shields, S.T. Boogert, pyg4ometry: A Python library for the creation of Monte Carlo radiation transport physical geometries, Computer Physics Communications **272** 108228 (2022). * ``_ * Preprint was: ``_ but the above should be used. The bibtex citation from ``_: :: @article{Boogert:2020cmn, author = "Boogert, Stewart and Abramov, Andrey and Nevay, Laurence and Shields, William and Walker, Stuart", title = "{Pyg4ometry: A Python library for the creation of Monte Carlo radiation transport physical geometries}", eprint = "2010.01109", archivePrefix = "arXiv", primaryClass = "physics.comp-ph", doi = "10.1016/j.cpc.2021.108228", journal = "Comput. Phys. Commun.", volume = "272", pages = "108228", year = "2022" } Citations allow the authors to demonstrably show the code usage and therefore to continue to support the development and maintenance of pyg4ometry. Other publications on pyg4ometry: * `Pyg4ometry : A Tool To Create Geometries For Geant4, Bdsim, G4Beamline and Fluka For Particle Loss and Energy Deposit Studies, IPAC2019, Melbourne, Australia, 2019 `_ Google scholar `cites `_