=============== Version History =============== V1.0.6 - 2023 / XX / XX ======================= Bug Fixes --------- * Fix GDML matrix loading for material properties where loading would create duplicate Expressions that would ultimately lead to conflicting definitions being written out. The written GDML file wouldn't be loadable in Geant4. V1.0.5 - 2023 / 03 / 03 ======================= New features ------------ * Feature extraction from tessellated meshes (with some accelerator applications) * New OpenCascade based STEP/IGES loading * Command line interface * Clipping of geometry when top level solid is moved (rotated/translated) or changed * New more efficient visualisation based on pipelines and introduces new visualiser class with old ones remaining for backwards compatibility. * Geant4 solids all have a method `convert2Tessellated` now. * FLUKA conversion can now write usable complete model by including all the necessary cards. Build ----- * New docker files for archlinux, centos7, centos8, fedora, ubuntu20, ubuntu22. General ------- * Restructured documentation. * Restructured package - main source now in :code:`pyg4ometry/src/pyg4ometry`. * Rewrite of CGAL interface using pybind11. * New interface to OpenCascade using pybind11. Bug Fixes --------- * Length unit in reading GDML for some classes. * Many fixes to ROOT geometry loading and completion of development of this. * More tolerance for adding a recursive Boolean mesh to the visualiser from a solid. * Units fixes in Geant4 twisted solid classes. * Fix registry merging with assemblies and some solids. V1.0.2 - 2022 / 04 / 11 ======================= New Features ------------ * Function to view the difference between two logical volumes. * Comparison test for names that ignores pointers as part of the name. * New :code:`addSolid` function for visualiser to view a solid in the current scene without having a logical volume. * Every solid now has the function :code:`convert2Tessellated` to allow it to be easily converted to a tessellated solid. * Ability to 'collapse' assemblies (T. Latham) General ------- * All solids now have a list of units to accompany their list of variables for inspection. * Checking angles for solids (e.g. start and sweep angle) are within :math:`2\pi` now includes a numerical precision tolerance that is by default floating point precision. See :code:`pyg4ometry.config.twoPiComparisonTolerance`. Bug Fixes --------- * Fix deployment of nist_materials.txt and nist_elements.txt package files. * Fix loading of ROOT geometry for material and various solids. Put tests in for parameters that ROOT allows to be 0 but ultimately mean we cannot construct a valid shape from. * Reduce length of names in Geant4 to FLUKA conversion to fix rejected names by FLUKA. * Fix import of MutableMappings for Python 3.10 * Fix use of units throughout all solids for the geometry comparison tests. * Fix units for define vectors. * Fix copy number of physical volumes sometimes not being an integer for loaded GDML geometry. * Fix reading and writing of abundance if it is an expression in a GDML material. * Fix missing length unit for GDML writing of Generic Trap. * Fix units in GenericTrap and Extruded solid classes. * Fix renaming of materials (in a recursion chain) when transferring from one registry to another (T. Latham). * Reduce verbosity of ROOT tests. * Reduce verbostiy of comparison tests. * Fix zero division errors in various comparison tests. v1.0.1 - 2022 / 02 / 10 ======================= New Features ------------ * Geometry comparison tests for comparing two different geometry trees. * Copy number for physical volumes. * Overlap checking for assembly and replica volumes. * Ability to analyse a registry structure and usage of objects throughout. * ROOT geometry loader. General ------- * Improved documentation and docstrings. * Refactored registry for transfer and object versus simply adding an object. * Optimised imports. * Cleanded up private imports throughout code to make tab complete cleaner. * Simplified code in solids by using base class. Bug Fixes --------- * Improved search paths for libraries in setup.py. * Fix merging of registries - object names won't be altered if they don't have to be. Fixed a clash with scales. * Fixed conversion of FLUKA materials to Geant4 - many fixes. * Fixed some material issues when converting Geant4 to FLUKA. v0.9.0 - 2021 / 07 / 01 ======================= * Working version regularly used, submitted to CPC Journal for review. * Based on CGAL for Boolean mesh operations, using pybind11, whereas previously was based on pycgal. * FLUKA conversion to pyg4ometry and GDML has been reimplemented from the pyfluka package. * Extensive code testing has been introduced and basic functionality documented. * Given the strictness of CGAL, many bugs in meshing algorithms were fixed for all solids in `pyg4ometry.geant4.solid`. Pre-History =========== * v0.2.0 - 2018 / 06 / 23 * v0.1.4 - 2018 / 06 / 04 * v0.1.2 - 2018 / 06 / 03 * v0.1.1 - 2018 / 06 / 03 * v0.1.0 - 2017 / 06 / 05 * v0.4.0 - 2017 / 10 / 17 * v0.3.0 - 2017 / 07 / 06