Module Contents

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pytransport - Royal Holloway utility to manipulate TRANSPORT data and models.


  • William Shields

  • Jochem Snuverink

Copyright Royal Holloway, University of London 2023.

pytransport.Convert module

Wrapper function for automatically converting to bdsim and/or madx

Class containing functions to help convert elements from Transport to gmad/madx. Class instantiated in pybdsim.Convert.Transport2Gmad and pymadx.Convert.Transport2Madx.

Classes: _Convert - a class used to convert different element types.

pytransport.Convert.Convert(inputfile, particle='proton', distrType='gauss', output='bdsim', outputDir='', debug=False, dontSplit=False, keepName=False, combineDrifts=False, options=None, machine=None)

Convert convert a Transport input or output file into an input file for bdsim, madx, or both


dtype = string path to the input file


dtype = string. Optional, default = “proton” the particle species


dtype = string. Optional, Default = “gauss”. the beam distribution type. Can be either gauss or gausstwiss.


dtype=string. Optional, default = “bdsim” the output type, can be “bdsim”, “madx”, or “both”


dtype=string. Optional, default = “” the output directory where the files will be written if no input supplied, defaults to output type. if outputDir is supplied and output is “both”, outputDir is appended with the output type, e.g. outputDir_bdsim


dtype = bool. Optional, default = False output a log file (inputfile_conversion.log) detailing the conversion process, element by element


dtype = bool. Optional, default = False the converter splits the machine into multiple parts when a beam is redefined in a Transport lattice. dontSplit overrides this and forces the machine to be written to a single file


dtype = bool. Optional, default = False keep the names of elements as defined in the Transport inputfile. Appends element name with _N where N is an integer if the element name has already been used


dtype = bool. Optional, default = False combine multiple consecutive drifts into a single drift


dtype = pybdsim.Builder.Machine or pymadx.Builder.Machine required, default = None machine instance required for conversion.


dtype = pybdsim.Options.Options. Optional, default = None options instance required to write options in bdsim conversion. Ignored if converting to “madx” format.


>>> Convert(inputfile, machine=pybdsim.Builder.Machine(), options=pybdsim.Options.Options())
>>> Convert(inputfile, output="madx", machine=pymadx.Builder.Machine())

Writes converted machine to disk. Reader automatically detects if the supplied input file is a Transport input file or Transport output file.

pytransport.Data module


Data containers used in converting from Transport to gmad or madx.

Classes: BDSData - a list of data read from Transport files. ConversionData - a class for holding data during conversion.

class pytransport.Data.BDSData(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: list

General class representing simple 2 column data.

Inherits python list. It’s a list of tuples with extra columns of ‘name’ and ‘units’.


This is used to concatenate machines.


Filter the data with a booleanarray. Where true, will return that event in the data.

Return type is BDSData


Return a numpy array of the values in columnstring in order as they appear in the beamline


Get a specific entry in the data as a tuple of values rather than a dictionary.



return the index of the beamline element clostest to S

Only works if “SStart” column exists in data

MatchValue(parametername, matchvalue, tolerance)

This is used to filter the instance of the class based on matching a parameter withing a certain tolerance.

>>> a = pytransport.Data.Load("myfile.txt")
>>> a.MatchValue("S",0.3,0.0004)

this will match the “S” variable in instance “a” to the value of 0.3 within +- 0.0004.

You can therefore used to match any parameter.

Return type is BDSAsciiData


Merge duplicate entries at the same s position. This is to prevent having multiple entries at the same s in situations such as poleface rotations. Will merge zero-length items into finite length items.

class pytransport.Data.ConversionData(inputfile, machine, options=None, particle='proton', debug=False, distrType='gauss', gmad=True, gmadDir='gmad', madx=False, madxDir='madx', auto=True, dontSplit=False, keepName=False, combineDrifts=False, outlog=True)

Bases: object

Class used as data container object in Transport2Gmad / Transport2Madx conversion. Required input: - inputfile: string, inputfile name - machine: either pybdsim.Builder.Machine or pymadx.Builder.Machine instance.

Note: if used as a holder for conversion to gmad, options must be supplied a pybdsim.Options.Options instance.

This class will hold ALL conversion related data, some stored in member variables which are separate containers for: conversion related properties (user input arguments), beam properties, and machine properties.


Function to prepare the beam and add to the machine.


Function to set the Options for a BDSIM machine.


Delete the machine and set to be the empty machine copied at class instantiation.

pytransport.Reader module


Readers for loading Transport input files and output files. Can extract the individual lattice, optics, and fitting sections.

Classes: Reader - a list of data read from Transport files. ConversionData - a class for holding data during conversion.


Function to get the fit routine data from the standard transport output. Returns two lists, the first with the direct output from the fitting data, the second with the first line of each element in the output data, which contains the element parameters with their fitted values.


Function to extract the lattice from a standard output file.

pytransport.Reader.GetOptics(inputFile, inputType=None)

Extract the optics from a Transport output file.


pytransport._General module

General utilities for day to day housekeeping

Classes: _Writer - a class used for writing any output during conversion.

pytransport._General.CheckIsAddition(line, filetype='input')

Function to check if a BEAM line of TRANSPORT code is a beam definition or r.m.s addition.


Function to check if a file is a standard TRANSPORT output file. Based upon existence of the lines:

"0  XXX"

being present, which represents the TRANSPORT indicator card line. X can be 0, 1, 2. Default is 0.


Function to check if the control element that print element output in a single line was successfully applied. Check needed as not all versions of TRANSPORT can run this type code.

pytransport._General.ConvertBunchLength(transport, bunch_length)

Function to convert bunch length unit in TRANSPORT into seconds.


Function to extract a comment from a line. Will only find one comment per line.

pytransport._General.GetFaceRotationAngles(data, linenum)
Function to read the indicator number. Must be 0, 1, or 2, where:

0 is a new lattice 1 is for fitting with the first lattice (from a 0 indicator file) 2 if for a second fitting which suppresses the first fitting.


Function to get element label from code line.


Function to read any preamble at the start of the TRANSPORT file.


Function to extract the element type number (type code). Written because element types can contain alphabetical characters when fits are used, e.g: 5.0A. Only the number is required, the use of fitting does not need to be known.

pytransport._General.JoinSplitLines(linenum, lattice)
pytransport._General.OutputFitsToRegistry(transport, outputdata)

Remove the file extension from the input file name. Only works on known extensions.


Function to remove ‘’ and stray characters from lines.


Function to remove the label from a line.

pytransport._General.ScaleToMeters(transport, quantity)

Function to scale quantity (string) to meters, returns conversion factor.

pytransport._General.UpdateEnergyFromMomentum(transport, momentum)
Function to calculate (from momentum):

Total Energy Kinetic Energy Momentum Lorentz factor (gamma) Velocity (beta) Magnetic rigidity (brho)

pytransport._General.UpdateMomentumFromEnergy(transport, k_energy)
Function to calculate (from kinetic energy):

Total Energy Kinetic Energy Momentum Lorentz factor (gamma) Velocity (beta) Magnetic rigidity (brho)