Committing Code Changes

As you develop code you may find that you need to commit changes back to CVS. By default RHUL uses the RAL CVS repository. This is a mirror of the main repository at SLAC. Any changes you commit to the RAL repository will be lost when the nightly update occurs. Instead you should commit code directly to the SLAC repository. This can be done by setting the CVSROOT environment variable:

> setenv CVSROOT /afs/
and then using cvs commit as normal (see here for guidelines).

Note that you'll need to obtain an AFS token from SLAC:

> klog -cell
(supply your SLAC AFS password when prompted).

Remember to reset CVSROOT once you're finished:

> setenv CVSROOT /afs/

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This page is maintained by Fabrizio Salvatore (

Last Update: 21/06/2001 02:50 GMT