New version of the Database Installed

As announced on the UK Hypernews, on the 10th of February the new version 5.2 of Objectivity has been installed at RAL; starting from the version 8.5.0 of Beta, all the releases will now run with the 5.2 version of Objy (also the version 8.3.1f is running with Objy5.2).

The new 5.2 version of the database has been installed also on babar1 on the 11th of February. A tutorial for installing at RHUL the releases of Beta working with the new Objy5.2 database can be found here

A private database created in the new releases will be still created in the directory

/datastore2/users/< your-user-name >
If your database IS BASED on a 8.X.X release, collection of events produced with the old Objy5.1 can still be accessed using versions of releases obtained with Objy5.2 by simply creating a .bbobjy file in the new release that points to the old database (or coping the .bbobjy file from the old release to the new one) and upgrading the schema of the database.
To update your database schema, simply do:
> gmake database.schemaload SCHEMA_DIR=$BFROOT/Bdb/Reference/current
in your release directory

If the database is based on 7.X.X version, it is not compatible with the 8.X.X, so those collections are lost (I'm afraid !).

If you still want to use releases that uses the old Objy5.1, you can find them in $BFDIST/releases directory with a suffix of -Objy5.1 appended: however, you have to re-install the release from scratch, using a command like:

> newrel -t -s /local-scratch/$USER 8.3.1-Objy5.1 8.3.1-Objy5.1

and then following the rest of the recipes in Test Release .

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This page is maintained by Fabrizio Salvatore (

Last Update: 21/06/2001 02:50 GMT