Real Data in Kanga format

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Under Continuous Development !

A significative sample of Real Data events are going to be locally stored on babar1 in order to perform some studies. Since the whole group is interested in different analysis topics (Tau physics, J/Psi, D*nPi), first events from the "isPhysicsEvents" skim are being copied. The directory tree where these Kanga files could be found is described below here; a .tcl file containing all the Kanga files of the required run can be downloaded by simply clicking on the directory tree itself. Also some fraction of the new skimmed data (october 2000) have been recently copied on our disks.

  • isPhysicsEvents.
  • New Skimmed Data.

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    This page is maintained by Fabrizio Salvatore (

    Last Update: 03/07/2000 17:30 GMT