RooFit v3.17 -- Developed by Wouter Verkerke and David Kirkby Copyright (C) 2000-2011 NIKHEF, University of California & Stanford University All rights reserved, please read ===> Choose which pairwise training you wish to perform. ===> z+jets (np0) : 2 ===> z+jets (np1) : 3 ===> ttbar : 4 ===> User selection : ===> Choose v1 (no colour flow) or v2 (colour flow) ===> v1 : 1 ===> v2 : 2 ===> User selection : ===> Files are all loaded. ===> TTrees are all loaded. ===> Initialise TMVA Factory. --- Factory : You are running ROOT Version: 5.30/01, Aug 8, 2011 --- Factory : --- Factory : _/_/_/_/_/ _| _| _| _| _|_| --- Factory : _/ _|_| _|_| _| _| _| _| --- Factory : _/ _| _| _| _| _| _|_|_|_| --- Factory : _/ _| _| _| _| _| _| --- Factory : _/ _| _| _| _| _| --- Factory : --- Factory : ___________TMVA Version 4.1.2, Jun 21, 2011 --- Factory : --- DataSetInfo : Added class "Signal" with internal class number 0 --- Factory : Add Tree t_Event of type Signal with 8874 events --- DataSetInfo : Added class "Background" with internal class number 1 --- Factory : Add Tree t_Event of type Background with 3550 events --- Factory : Booking method: BoostedDecisionTree --- DataSetFactory : Splitmode is: "RANDOM" the mixmode is: "SAMEASSPLITMODE" --- DataSetFactory : Create training and testing trees -- looping over class "Signal" ... --- DataSetFactory : Weight expression for class 'Signal': "" --- DataSetFactory : Create training and testing trees -- looping over class "Background" ... --- DataSetFactory : Weight expression for class 'Background': "" --- DataSetFactory : Number of events in input trees (after possible flattening of arrays): --- DataSetFactory : Signal -- number of events : 8874 / sum of weights: 8874 --- DataSetFactory : Background -- number of events : 3550 / sum of weights: 3550 --- DataSetFactory : Signal tree -- total number of entries: 8874 --- DataSetFactory : Background tree -- total number of entries: 3550 --- DataSetFactory : Preselection: (will effect number of requested training and testing events) --- DataSetFactory : No preselection cuts applied on event classes --- DataSetFactory : Weight renormalisation mode: "NumEvents": renormalise independently the ... --- DataSetFactory : ... class weights so that Sum[i=1..N_j]{w_i} = N_j, j=0,1,2... --- DataSetFactory : ... (note that N_j is the sum of training and test events) --- DataSetFactory : --> Rescale Signal event weights by factor: 1 --- DataSetFactory : --> Rescale Background event weights by factor: 1 --- DataSetFactory : Number of training and testing events after rescaling: --- DataSetFactory : ------------------------------------------------------ --- DataSetFactory : Signal -- training events : 4437 (sum of weights: 4437) - requested were 0 events --- DataSetFactory : Signal -- testing events : 4437 (sum of weights: 4437) - requested were 0 events --- DataSetFactory : Signal -- training and testing events: 8874 (sum of weights: 8874) --- DataSetFactory : Background -- training events : 1775 (sum of weights: 1775) - requested were 0 events --- DataSetFactory : Background -- testing events : 1775 (sum of weights: 1775) - requested were 0 events --- DataSetFactory : Background -- training and testing events: 3550 (sum of weights: 3550) --- DataSetFactory : Create internal training tree --- DataSetFactory : Create internal testing tree --- DataSetInfo : Correlation matrix (Signal): --- DataSetInfo : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- DataSetInfo : evt.bbSystemPt evt.bbSystemM evt.bbSystemEta evt.bbSystemPlaneAngle evt.jetBWeight1 evt.jetBWeight2 evt.jet1ThetaStar --- DataSetInfo : evt.bbSystemPt: +1.000 +0.157 -0.022 +0.016 +0.059 -0.008 +0.127 --- DataSetInfo : evt.bbSystemM: +0.157 +1.000 +0.021 +0.005 +0.017 -0.031 +0.091 --- DataSetInfo : evt.bbSystemEta: -0.022 +0.021 +1.000 -0.544 -0.013 +0.002 -0.015 --- DataSetInfo : evt.bbSystemPlaneAngle: +0.016 +0.005 -0.544 +1.000 +0.029 +0.001 +0.011 --- DataSetInfo : evt.jetBWeight1: +0.059 +0.017 -0.013 +0.029 +1.000 +0.007 +0.022 --- DataSetInfo : evt.jetBWeight2: -0.008 -0.031 +0.002 +0.001 +0.007 +1.000 -0.019 --- DataSetInfo : evt.jet1ThetaStar: +0.127 +0.091 -0.015 +0.011 +0.022 -0.019 +1.000 --- DataSetInfo : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- DataSetInfo : Correlation matrix (Background): --- DataSetInfo : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- DataSetInfo : evt.bbSystemPt evt.bbSystemM evt.bbSystemEta evt.bbSystemPlaneAngle evt.jetBWeight1 evt.jetBWeight2 evt.jet1ThetaStar --- DataSetInfo : evt.bbSystemPt: +1.000 -0.004 +0.009 -0.007 -0.034 -0.002 +0.092 --- DataSetInfo : evt.bbSystemM: -0.004 +1.000 -0.019 +0.005 -0.024 +0.138 +0.088 --- DataSetInfo : evt.bbSystemEta: +0.009 -0.019 +1.000 -0.501 +0.043 -0.012 +0.014 --- DataSetInfo : evt.bbSystemPlaneAngle: -0.007 +0.005 -0.501 +1.000 +0.007 -0.001 -0.006 --- DataSetInfo : evt.jetBWeight1: -0.034 -0.024 +0.043 +0.007 +1.000 -0.084 -0.056 --- DataSetInfo : evt.jetBWeight2: -0.002 +0.138 -0.012 -0.001 -0.084 +1.000 +0.025 --- DataSetInfo : evt.jet1ThetaStar: +0.092 +0.088 +0.014 -0.006 -0.056 +0.025 +1.000 --- DataSetInfo : --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- DataSetFactory : --- Factory : --- Factory : Train all methods for Classification ... --- Factory : Train method: BoostedDecisionTree for Classification --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: Variable Mean RMS [ Min Max ] --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: evt.bbSystemPt: 78316. 56229. [ 936.51 5.5043e+05 ] --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: evt.bbSystemM: 1.1933e+05 61410. [ 14835. 1.1002e+06 ] --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: evt.bbSystemEta: 0.00014577 1.7109 [ -5.6392 6.1591 ] --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: evt.bbSystemPlaneAngle: 1.5803 0.80588 [ 0.0015080 3.1412 ] --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: evt.jetBWeight1: 0.66338 0.41609 [ 0.023511 0.99737 ] --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: evt.jetBWeight2: 0.57582 0.43941 [ 0.023880 1.0353 ] --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: evt.jet1ThetaStar: 0.31543 0.38983 [ -0.93183 0.99961 ] --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- BoostedDecisionTree : Begin training --- BoostedDecisionTree : Training 400 Decision Trees ... patience please --- BoostedDecisionTree : elapsed time: 2.32 sec --- BoostedDecisionTree : average number of nodes (w/o pruning) : 11 --- BoostedDecisionTree : End of training --- BoostedDecisionTree : Elapsed time for training with 6212 events: 2.33 sec --- BoostedDecisionTree : Create MVA output for classification on training sample --- BoostedDecisionTree : Evaluation of BoostedDecisionTree on training sample (6212 events) --- BoostedDecisionTree : Elapsed time for evaluation of 6212 events: 0.408 sec --- BoostedDecisionTree : Creating weight file in xml format: weights/TMVATrain_BoostedDecisionTree.weights.xml --- BoostedDecisionTree : Creating standalone response class: weights/TMVATrain_BoostedDecisionTree.class.C --- BoostedDecisionTree : Write monitoring histograms to file: TMVA.root:/Method_BDT/BoostedDecisionTree --- Factory : Training finished --- Factory : --- Factory : Ranking input variables (method specific)... --- BoostedDecisionTree : Ranking result (top variable is best ranked) --- BoostedDecisionTree : -------------------------------------------------------- --- BoostedDecisionTree : Rank : Variable : Variable Importance --- BoostedDecisionTree : -------------------------------------------------------- --- BoostedDecisionTree : 1 : evt.bbSystemPt : 1.566e-01 --- BoostedDecisionTree : 2 : evt.bbSystemPlaneAngle : 1.543e-01 --- BoostedDecisionTree : 3 : evt.bbSystemEta : 1.457e-01 --- BoostedDecisionTree : 4 : evt.jetBWeight2 : 1.390e-01 --- BoostedDecisionTree : 5 : evt.bbSystemM : 1.369e-01 --- BoostedDecisionTree : 6 : evt.jet1ThetaStar : 1.362e-01 --- BoostedDecisionTree : 7 : evt.jetBWeight1 : 1.313e-01 --- BoostedDecisionTree : -------------------------------------------------------- --- Factory : --- Factory : === Destroy and recreate all methods via weight files for testing === --- Factory : --- MethodBase : Reading weight file: weights/TMVATrain_BoostedDecisionTree.weights.xml --- BoostedDecisionTree : Read method "BoostedDecisionTree" of type "BDT" --- BoostedDecisionTree : MVA method was trained with TMVA Version: 4.1.2 --- BoostedDecisionTree : MVA method was trained with ROOT Version: 5.30/01 --- Factory : Test all methods... --- Factory : Test method: BoostedDecisionTree for Classification performance --- BoostedDecisionTree : Evaluation of BoostedDecisionTree on testing sample (6212 events) --- BoostedDecisionTree : Elapsed time for evaluation of 6212 events: 0.329 sec --- Factory : Evaluate all methods... --- Factory : Evaluate classifier: BoostedDecisionTree --- BoostedDecisionTree : Loop over test events and fill histograms with classifier response... --- Factory : Write evaluation histograms to file --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: Plot event variables for BoostedDecisionTree --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: Variable Mean RMS [ Min Max ] --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: evt.bbSystemPt: 77828. 57878. [ 497.68 8.1477e+05 ] --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: evt.bbSystemM: 1.1970e+05 60843. [ 17058. 8.6059e+05 ] --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: evt.bbSystemEta: 0.022790 1.7310 [ -5.8347 6.2349 ] --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: evt.bbSystemPlaneAngle: 1.5552 0.80382 [ 0.00073156 3.1413 ] --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: evt.jetBWeight1: 0.66414 0.41624 [ 0.023713 1.0364 ] --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: evt.jetBWeight2: 0.56744 0.43894 [ 0.023946 0.99737 ] --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: evt.jet1ThetaStar: 0.31069 0.39574 [ -0.91088 0.99926 ] --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: Create scatter and profile plots in target-file directory: --- TFHandler_BoostedDecis...: TMVA.root:/Method_BDT/BoostedDecisionTree/CorrelationPlots --- Tools : zero variances for variables (0, 3) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (0, 4) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (0, 5) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (0, 6) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (0, 7) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (3, 0) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (4, 0) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (4, 5) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (4, 6) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (4, 7) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (5, 0) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (5, 4) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (5, 6) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (5, 7) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (6, 0) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (6, 4) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (6, 5) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (6, 7) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (7, 0) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (7, 4) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (7, 5) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (7, 6) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (0, 3) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (0, 4) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (0, 5) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (0, 6) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (0, 7) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (3, 0) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (3, 5) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (3, 6) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (3, 7) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (4, 0) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (4, 5) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (4, 6) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (4, 7) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (5, 0) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (5, 3) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (5, 4) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (5, 6) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (5, 7) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (6, 0) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (6, 3) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (6, 4) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (6, 5) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (6, 7) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (7, 0) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (7, 3) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (7, 4) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (7, 5) --- Tools : zero variances for variables (7, 6) --- Factory : Correlations between input variables and MVA response (signal): --- Factory : ---------------------------------------- --- Factory : BoostedDecisionTree --- Factory : evt.bbSystemPt: +0.159 --- Factory : evt.bbSystemM: -0.071 --- Factory : evt.bbSystemEta: +0.000 --- Factory : evt.bbSystemPlaneAngle: +0.000 --- Factory : evt.jetBWeight1: +0.000 --- Factory : evt.jetBWeight2: +0.000 --- Factory : evt.jet1ThetaStar: +0.000 --- Factory : ---------------------------------------- --- Factory : --- Factory : Correlations between input variables and MVA response (background): --- Factory : ---------------------------------------- --- Factory : BoostedDecisionTree --- Factory : evt.bbSystemPt: -0.026 --- Factory : evt.bbSystemM: -0.464 --- Factory : evt.bbSystemEta: +0.000 --- Factory : evt.bbSystemPlaneAngle: +0.000 --- Factory : evt.jetBWeight1: +0.000 --- Factory : evt.jetBWeight2: +0.000 --- Factory : evt.jet1ThetaStar: +0.000 --- Factory : ---------------------------------------- --- Factory : --- Factory : The following "overlap" matrices contain the fraction of events for which --- Factory : the MVAs 'i' and 'j' have returned conform answers about "signal-likeness" --- Factory : An event is signal-like, if its MVA output exceeds the following value: --- Factory : ----------------------------------------- --- Factory : Method: Cut value: --- Factory : ----------------------------------------- --- Factory : BoostedDecisionTree: +0.040 --- Factory : ----------------------------------------- --- Factory : which correspond to the working point: eff(signal) = 1 - eff(background) --- Factory : --- Factory : Evaluation results ranked by best signal efficiency and purity (area) --- Factory : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Factory : MVA Signal efficiency at bkg eff.(error): | Sepa- Signifi- --- Factory : Method: @B=0.01 @B=0.10 @B=0.30 ROC-integ. | ration: cance: --- Factory : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Factory : BoostedDecisionTree: 0.090(04) 0.434(07) 0.702(06) 0.782 | 0.243 0.777 --- Factory : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Factory : --- Factory : Testing efficiency compared to training efficiency (overtraining check) --- Factory : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Factory : MVA Signal efficiency: from test sample (from training sample) --- Factory : Method: @B=0.01 @B=0.10 @B=0.30 --- Factory : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Factory : BoostedDecisionTree: 0.090 (0.427) 0.434 (0.649) 0.702 (0.835) --- Factory : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Factory : --- Dataset:Default : Created tree 'TestTree' with 6212 events --- Dataset:Default : Created tree 'TrainTree' with 6212 events --- Factory : --- Factory : Thank you for using TMVA! --- Factory : For citation information, please visit: ===> TMVA completed.