# A few aliases to improve the console and save time alias ls='ls -h --color=auto' # Colour files alias root='root -l' # Root launch without splash alias rm='rm -i' # Confirm file deletion alias l='ls -l -h' # Shortcut to display information alias sshlxp='ssh -X iconnell@lxplus.cern.ch' # ssh shortcut to lxplus alias sshrhul='ssh -X connelly@linappserv0.pp.rhul.ac.uk' # ssh to linappserv0 alias gcal='firefox https://www.google.com/calendar/render?gsessionid=OK &' # Launch Google calender alias google=$HOME/scripts/google.sh # Takes up to three arguments and googles. alias grepper=$HOME/scripts/grepper.sh # Takes search query and log file arguement alias calc='gnome-calculator &' alias url=$HOME/scripts/url.sh # URL launcher from terminal alias new='gnome-terminal --working-directory=`pwd` && echo "=====Opening new session in `pwd`====="' alias dropbox='cd $HOME/scratch2/Dropbox && echo "=====Entering `pwd`====="' # Shortcut to dropbox folder #time : will show the cpu time for running a program #top : will show you the resources currently in use alias alias='less $HOME/scripts/alias' echo "Type alias to see shortcuts." echo "----------------------------" echo ====="Commencing session in `pwd`====="