MACRO PAWN MESS ' PAWN has many operations (such as PROX) that can be called with ' MESS ' exec PAWN#PROX or simply with PROX after invoking PAWN_ALIAS' MESS ' The first parameter is an integer that specifies the input histogram' MESS ' AVX (2D) fits each x bin to a Gaussian and puts out AVX and SGX plots' MESS ' AVY (2D) fits each y bin to a Gaussian and puts out AVY and SGY plots' MESS ' BLOW (1D) x1 x2; makes a new histogram with x limits of x1 and x2' MESS ' BLO2 (2D) x1 x2; y1 y2 cuts in both directions ' MESS ' CHBN (1D) nx; combines bins in groups of nx' MESS ' When errors are root(N), CHBN sums; otherwise it averages' MESS ' CHBN2 (2D) nx ny; can reduce the number of bins in both directions' MESS ' CHTI allows one to change the histogram (bottom) title' MESS ' MAMI (1D) y1 y2; changes the y limits of the display ' MESS ' MEAN (1D) p1 p2; gets mean between % limits' MESS ' MED (1D) calculates the median and its errors ' MESS ' PDEF reports the number of channels and boundaries of the histogram' MESS ' PROX (2D) does a projection of a plot in the x-direction ' MESS ' PROY (2D) does a projection of a plot in the y-direction ' MESS ' REGX (2D) makes RGX and SDX plots with the mean and rms of each x bin' MESS ' REGY (2D) makes RGY and SDY plots with the mean and rms of each y bin' MESS ' SCAL (1D) S; scales the points by a factor S' MESS ' SOM (1D) makes a histogram that is the integral' Return MACRO AVX 1=1000000 2=0 MESSAGE ' AVX CALLED WITH WT = ' [2] CALL ~/paw/pawn.f('AVX',[1],[2]) RETURN MACRO AVy 1=1000000 2=0 MESSAGE ' AVy CALLED WITH WT = ' [2] CALL ~/paw/pawn.f('AVY',[1],[2]) RETURN MACRO BLOW 1=1000000 2=0. 3=1. CALL ~/paw/pawn.f('BLOW',[1],[2],[3]) RETURN MACRO BLO2 1=1000000 2=0. 3=1. 4=0. 5=1. CALL ~/paw/pawn.f('BLO2',[1],[2],[3],[4],[5]) RETURN MACRO CHBN 1=1000000 2=2 CALL ~/paw/pawn.f('CHBN',[1],[2]) RETURN MACRO CHBN2 1=1000000 2=2 3=1 CALL ~/paw/pawn.f('CHBN2',[1],[2],[3]) RETURN MACRO CHTI 1=1000000 CALL ~/paw/pawn.f('CHTI',[1]) RETURN MACRO MAMI 1=1000000 2=0. 3=1. MIN [1] [2] MAX [1] [3] RETURN MACRO PDEF 1=1000000 CALL ~/paw/pawn.f('PDEF',[1]) RETURN MACRO MEAN 1=1000000 2=0. 3=1. CALL ~/paw/pawn.f('MEAN',[1],[2],[3]) RETURN MACRO MED 1=1000000 CALL ~/paw/pawn.f('MED',[1]) RETURN MACRO PROX 1=1000000 CALL ~/paw/pawn.f('PROX',[1]) RETURN MACRO PROY 1=1000000 CALL ~/paw/pawn.f('PROY',[1]) RETURN MACRO REGX 1=1000000 CALL ~/paw/pawn.f('REGX',[1]) RETURN MACRO REGY 1=1000000 CALL ~/paw/pawn.f('REGY',[1]) RETURN MACRO SCAL 1=1000000 2=0.5 CALL ~/paw/pawn.f('SCAL',[1],[2]) RETURN MACRO SOM 1=1000000 CALL ~/paw/pawn.f('SOM',[1]) RETURN