Centre for Particle Physics
HEP Group Seminars
Spring 2000
Glen Cowan, "The BaBar Experiment: status and plans"
Wednesday, 3 May 2000, 14:00, W264.
Ajit Kurup, "Measuring CP violation at BaBar"
Tuesday, 9 May 2000, 11:30, W264.
Stefania Ricciardi, "Numu -> nutau oscillation search at accelerators"
Wednesday, 17 May 2000, 11:00, W264.
David Hutchcroft, "More searches for supersymmetry"
Tuesday 23 May 2000, 11:00, W264.
George Kraniotis, "Dark matter and the cosmological constant"
Tuesday 6 June 2000, 11:00, W264.
Prof. Jon Chkareuli, Institute of Physics, Tbilisi, "Lepton and Baryon Number Violation in SUSY Models"
Wednesday, 14 June, 11:30, T125.
Fabrizio Salvatore, "Recent results from the NOMAD experiment"
Tuesday, 20 June, 11:00, W264 (time and location to be confirmed).
Glen Cowan