// // File generated by rootcint at Sat Feb 3 21:48:44 2007 // Do NOT change. Changes will be lost next time file is generated // #include "RConfig.h" #if !defined(R__ACCESS_IN_SYMBOL) //Break the privacy of classes -- Disabled for the moment #define private public #define protected public #endif // Since CINT ignores the std namespace, we need to do so in this file. namespace std {} using namespace std; #include "dict.h" #include "TClass.h" #include "TBuffer.h" #include "TStreamerInfo.h" #include "TMemberInspector.h" #include "TError.h" #ifndef G__ROOT #define G__ROOT #endif #include "RtypesImp.h" #include "TCollectionProxy.h" #include "TIsAProxy.h" // START OF SHADOWS namespace ROOT { namespace Shadow { } // of namespace Shadow } // of namespace ROOT // END OF SHADOWS namespace ROOT { void TwoVector_ShowMembers(void *obj, TMemberInspector &R__insp, char *R__parent); static void TwoVector_Dictionary(); static void *new_TwoVector(void *p = 0); static void *newArray_TwoVector(Long_t size, void *p); static void delete_TwoVector(void *p); static void deleteArray_TwoVector(void *p); static void destruct_TwoVector(void *p); // Function generating the singleton type initializer TGenericClassInfo *GenerateInitInstance(const ::TwoVector*) { ::TwoVector *ptr = 0; static ::TVirtualIsAProxy* isa_proxy = new ::TIsAProxy(typeid(::TwoVector),0); static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo instance("TwoVector", "TwoVector.h", 7, typeid(::TwoVector), DefineBehavior(ptr, ptr), 0, &TwoVector_Dictionary, isa_proxy, 0, sizeof(::TwoVector) ); instance.SetNew(&new_TwoVector); instance.SetNewArray(&newArray_TwoVector); instance.SetDelete(&delete_TwoVector); instance.SetDeleteArray(&deleteArray_TwoVector); instance.SetDestructor(&destruct_TwoVector); return &instance; } // Static variable to force the class initialization static ::ROOT::TGenericClassInfo *_R__UNIQUE_(Init) = GenerateInitInstance((const ::TwoVector*)0x0); R__UseDummy(_R__UNIQUE_(Init)); // Dictionary for non-ClassDef classes static void TwoVector_Dictionary() { ::ROOT::GenerateInitInstance((const ::TwoVector*)0x0)->GetClass(); } } // end of namespace ROOT namespace ROOT { // Wrappers around operator new static void *new_TwoVector(void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TwoVector : new ::TwoVector; } static void *newArray_TwoVector(Long_t nElements, void *p) { return p ? ::new((::ROOT::TOperatorNewHelper*)p) ::TwoVector[nElements] : new ::TwoVector[nElements]; } // Wrapper around operator delete static void delete_TwoVector(void *p) { delete ((::TwoVector*)p); } static void deleteArray_TwoVector(void *p) { delete [] ((::TwoVector*)p); } static void destruct_TwoVector(void *p) { typedef ::TwoVector current_t; ((current_t*)p)->~current_t(); } } // end of namespace ROOT for class ::TwoVector /******************************************************** * dict.cc * CAUTION: DON'T CHANGE THIS FILE. THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED * FROM HEADER FILES LISTED IN G__setup_cpp_environmentXXX(). * CHANGE THOSE HEADER FILES AND REGENERATE THIS FILE. ********************************************************/ #ifdef G__MEMTEST #undef malloc #undef free #endif extern "C" void G__cpp_reset_tagtabledict(); extern "C" void G__set_cpp_environmentdict() { G__add_macro("G__CINTVERSION=50160007"); G__add_compiledheader("TROOT.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TMemberInspector.h"); G__add_compiledheader("TwoVector.h"); G__cpp_reset_tagtabledict(); } #include extern "C" int G__cpp_dllrevdict() { return(30051515); } /********************************************************* * Member function Interface Method *********************************************************/ /* TwoVector */ static int G__dict_181_1_0(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TwoVector* p = NULL; long gvp = G__getgvp(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); if (n) { if ((gvp == G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TwoVector[n]; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TwoVector[n]; } } else { if ((gvp == G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TwoVector; } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TwoVector; } } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; result7->type = 'u'; result7->tagnum = G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__dictLN_TwoVector); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__dict_181_2_0(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TwoVector* p = NULL; long gvp = G__getgvp(); //m: 2 if ((gvp == G__PVOID) || (gvp == 0)) { p = new TwoVector((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1])); } else { p = new((void*) gvp) TwoVector((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1])); } result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; result7->type = 'u'; result7->tagnum = G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__dictLN_TwoVector); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__dict_181_3_0(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TwoVector*) G__getstructoffset())->x()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__dict_181_4_0(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TwoVector*) G__getstructoffset())->y()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__dict_181_5_0(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TwoVector*) G__getstructoffset())->r()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__dict_181_6_0(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TwoVector*) G__getstructoffset())->cosTheta()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__dict_181_7_0(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TwoVector*) G__getstructoffset())->sinTheta()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__dict_181_8_0(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { G__letdouble(result7, 100, (double) ((const TwoVector*) G__getstructoffset())->theta()); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__dict_181_9_0(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TwoVector*) G__getstructoffset())->set((double) G__double(libp->para[0]), (double) G__double(libp->para[1])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__dict_181_0_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TwoVector*) G__getstructoffset())->setX((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__dict_181_1_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TwoVector*) G__getstructoffset())->setY((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__dict_181_2_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TwoVector*) G__getstructoffset())->setR((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__dict_181_3_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TwoVector*) G__getstructoffset())->setTheta((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__dict_181_4_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { ((TwoVector*) G__getstructoffset())->rotate((double) G__double(libp->para[0])); G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__dict_181_5_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TwoVector* pobj; TwoVector xobj = ((TwoVector*) G__getstructoffset())->operator+(*(TwoVector*) libp->para[0].ref); pobj = new TwoVector(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } static int G__dict_181_6_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { { TwoVector* pobj; TwoVector xobj = ((TwoVector*) G__getstructoffset())->operator-(*(TwoVector*) libp->para[0].ref); pobj = new TwoVector(xobj); result7->obj.i = (long) ((void*) pobj); result7->ref = result7->obj.i; G__store_tempobject(*result7); } return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic copy constructor static int G__dict_181_7_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TwoVector* p; void* tmp = (void*) G__int(libp->para[0]); p = new TwoVector(*(TwoVector*) tmp); result7->obj.i = (long) p; result7->ref = (long) p; result7->type = 'u'; result7->tagnum = G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__dictLN_TwoVector); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic destructor typedef TwoVector G__TTwoVector; static int G__dict_181_8_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { long gvp = G__getgvp(); long soff = G__getstructoffset(); int n = G__getaryconstruct(); // //has_a_delete: 0 //has_own_delete1arg: 0 //has_own_delete2arg: 0 // if (!soff) { return(1); } if (n) { if (gvp == G__PVOID) { delete[] (TwoVector*) soff; } else { G__setgvp(G__PVOID); for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { ((TwoVector*) (soff+(sizeof(TwoVector)*i)))->~G__TTwoVector(); } G__setgvp(gvp); } } else { if (gvp == G__PVOID) { delete (TwoVector*) soff; } else { G__setgvp(G__PVOID); ((TwoVector*) (soff))->~G__TTwoVector(); G__setgvp(gvp); } } G__setnull(result7); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } // automatic assignment operator static int G__dict_181_9_1(G__value* result7, G__CONST char* funcname, struct G__param* libp, int hash) { TwoVector* dest = (TwoVector*) G__getstructoffset(); *dest = *(TwoVector*) libp->para[0].ref; const TwoVector& obj = *dest; result7->ref = (long) (&obj); result7->obj.i = (long) (&obj); return(1 || funcname || hash || result7 || libp) ; } /* Setting up global function */ /********************************************************* * Member function Stub *********************************************************/ /* TwoVector */ /********************************************************* * Global function Stub *********************************************************/ /********************************************************* * Get size of pointer to member function *********************************************************/ class G__Sizep2memfuncdict { public: G__Sizep2memfuncdict() {p=&G__Sizep2memfuncdict::sizep2memfunc;} size_t sizep2memfunc() { return(sizeof(p)); } private: size_t (G__Sizep2memfuncdict::*p)(); }; size_t G__get_sizep2memfuncdict() { G__Sizep2memfuncdict a; G__setsizep2memfunc((int)a.sizep2memfunc()); return((size_t)a.sizep2memfunc()); } /********************************************************* * virtual base class offset calculation interface *********************************************************/ /* Setting up class inheritance */ /********************************************************* * Inheritance information setup/ *********************************************************/ extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_inheritancedict() { /* Setting up class inheritance */ } /********************************************************* * typedef information setup/ *********************************************************/ extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_typetabledict() { /* Setting up typedef entry */ G__search_typename2("vector",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__dictLN_vectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgR),0,-1); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__dictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__dictLN_vectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); G__search_typename2("reverse_iterator",117,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__dictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR),0,G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__dictLN_vectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgR)); G__setnewtype(-1,NULL,0); } /********************************************************* * Data Member information setup/ *********************************************************/ /* Setting up class,struct,union tag member variable */ /* TwoVector */ static void G__setup_memvarTwoVector(void) { G__tag_memvar_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__dictLN_TwoVector)); { TwoVector *p; p=(TwoVector*)0x1000; if (p) { } G__memvar_setup((void*)NULL,100,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"m_x=",0,(char*)NULL); G__memvar_setup((void*)NULL,100,0,0,-1,-1,-1,4,"m_y=",0,(char*)NULL); } G__tag_memvar_reset(); } extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_memvardict() { } /*********************************************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ************************************************************ ***********************************************************/ /********************************************************* * Member function information setup for each class *********************************************************/ static void G__setup_memfuncTwoVector(void) { /* TwoVector */ G__tag_memfunc_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__dictLN_TwoVector)); G__memfunc_setup("TwoVector",941,G__dict_181_1_0, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__dictLN_TwoVector), -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("TwoVector",941,G__dict_181_2_0, 105, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__dictLN_TwoVector), -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - x d - - 0 - y", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("x",120,G__dict_181_3_0, 100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("y",121,G__dict_181_4_0, 100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("r",114,G__dict_181_5_0, 100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("cosTheta",827,G__dict_181_6_0, 100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("sinTheta",832,G__dict_181_7_0, 100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("theta",534,G__dict_181_8_0, 100, -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 8, "", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("set",332,G__dict_181_9_0, 121, -1, -1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - x d - - 0 - y", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("setX",420,G__dict_181_0_1, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("setY",421,G__dict_181_1_1, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("setR",414,G__dict_181_2_1, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - -", "keeps theta constant", (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("setTheta",834,G__dict_181_3_1, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - -", "keeps r constant", (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("rotate",655,G__dict_181_4_1, 121, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "d - - 0 - -", "also as non-member function (below)", (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator+",919,G__dict_181_5_1, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__dictLN_TwoVector), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TwoVector' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__memfunc_setup("operator-",921,G__dict_181_6_1, 117, G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__dictLN_TwoVector), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TwoVector' - 11 - -", (char*)NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); // automatic copy constructor G__memfunc_setup("TwoVector", 941, G__dict_181_7_1, (int) ('i'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__dictLN_TwoVector), -1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TwoVector' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); // automatic destructor G__memfunc_setup("~TwoVector", 1067, G__dict_181_8_1, (int) ('y'), -1, -1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, "", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); // automatic assignment operator G__memfunc_setup("operator=", 937, G__dict_181_9_1, (int) ('u'), G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__dictLN_TwoVector), -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, "u 'TwoVector' - 11 - -", (char*) NULL, (void*) NULL, 0); G__tag_memfunc_reset(); } /********************************************************* * Member function information setup *********************************************************/ extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_memfuncdict() { } /********************************************************* * Global variable information setup for each class *********************************************************/ static void G__cpp_setup_global0() { /* Setting up global variables */ G__resetplocal(); } static void G__cpp_setup_global1() { G__resetglobalenv(); } extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_globaldict() { G__cpp_setup_global0(); G__cpp_setup_global1(); } /********************************************************* * Global function information setup for each class *********************************************************/ static void G__cpp_setup_func0() { G__lastifuncposition(); } static void G__cpp_setup_func1() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func2() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func3() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func4() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func5() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func6() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func7() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func8() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func9() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func10() { } static void G__cpp_setup_func11() { G__resetifuncposition(); } extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_funcdict() { G__cpp_setup_func0(); G__cpp_setup_func1(); G__cpp_setup_func2(); G__cpp_setup_func3(); G__cpp_setup_func4(); G__cpp_setup_func5(); G__cpp_setup_func6(); G__cpp_setup_func7(); G__cpp_setup_func8(); G__cpp_setup_func9(); G__cpp_setup_func10(); G__cpp_setup_func11(); } /********************************************************* * Class,struct,union,enum tag information setup *********************************************************/ /* Setup class/struct taginfo */ G__linked_taginfo G__dictLN_vectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgR = { "vector >" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__dictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR = { "reverse_iterator >::iterator>" , 99 , -1 }; G__linked_taginfo G__dictLN_TwoVector = { "TwoVector" , 99 , -1 }; /* Reset class/struct taginfo */ extern "C" void G__cpp_reset_tagtabledict() { G__dictLN_vectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__dictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR.tagnum = -1 ; G__dictLN_TwoVector.tagnum = -1 ; } extern "C" void G__cpp_setup_tagtabledict() { /* Setting up class,struct,union tag entry */ G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__dictLN_vectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgR); G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__dictLN_reverse_iteratorlEvectorlETStreamerInfomUcOallocatorlETStreamerInfomUgRsPgRcLcLiteratorgR); G__tagtable_setup(G__get_linked_tagnum(&G__dictLN_TwoVector),sizeof(TwoVector),-1,33024,(char*)NULL,G__setup_memvarTwoVector,G__setup_memfuncTwoVector); } extern "C" void G__cpp_setupdict(void) { G__check_setup_version(30051515,"G__cpp_setupdict()"); G__set_cpp_environmentdict(); G__cpp_setup_tagtabledict(); G__cpp_setup_inheritancedict(); G__cpp_setup_typetabledict(); G__cpp_setup_memvardict(); G__cpp_setup_memfuncdict(); G__cpp_setup_globaldict(); G__cpp_setup_funcdict(); if(0==G__getsizep2memfunc()) G__get_sizep2memfuncdict(); return; } class G__cpp_setup_initdict { public: G__cpp_setup_initdict() { G__add_setup_func("dict",(G__incsetup)(&G__cpp_setupdict)); G__call_setup_funcs(); } ~G__cpp_setup_initdict() { G__remove_setup_func("dict"); } }; G__cpp_setup_initdict G__cpp_setup_initializerdict;