LL's comments on features of DL+PLC (Diagonal Line, with Power Constrained Limits) and F-C (Feldman Cousins) Here is my list of features of the 2 approaches to the simple Gaussian problem. (The last 2 items are for possible extensions of the problem.) I have tried to be factual, and would appreciate clarifications/corrections. Of course, not all items are of equal significance, but ranking them is a matter of opinion. DL+PCL F-C Basis of method Ad hoc (resembles van Dyk) Likelihood ratio (Kendall + Stuart) Arbitrary features Choice of cut-off Upper Limit For x not too negative, tighter Weaker UL because 2-sided than F-C (by 0.3 sigma at large x) x=5 UL= 6.3 mu = 4.4 --> 6.6 Negative x UL constant for x < cut-off Decreases slowly as x decreases Exclude mu = 0 ? Never. Needs alternative method Unified approach to UL, 2-sided interval (p_0 excludes at same x as F-C) and discovery Ease of calculation Yes Harder Usage Common (with variant of PCL) Less so at present Systematics ? ? Identifiable subsets None? None? Coverage Overcovers at small mu Exact coverage Multi-D data Not usable (except via L-ratio) Extendable, provided not too many Poisson problems OK? Typical overcoverage for discrete data