The program is a standalone C++ program that uses ROOT classes to book, fill and store some histograms. To build the program at RHUL, download all the files to a separate directory. Then build the program as usual by typing gmake When you run the program it will display a histogram of a uniform distribution and it will also create a file called test.root, which contains two histograms, called h1 and h2. Often one uses a standalone C++ program to create n-tuples or histograms, and then one uses the ROOT program itself to view and manipulate the histograms. A minimal root session to view the histograms could be: > root <--- prompt is ">", you type "root". ****************************** * Welcome to ROOT v5.10/00 * ****************************** root [0] TFile* f = new TFile("test.root"); root [1] f->ls(); TFile** test.root TFile* test.root KEY: TH1F h1;1 uniform r KEY: TH1F h2;1 r1 + r2 - 1 root [2] h1->Draw(); : created default TCanvas with name c1 root [3] h2->Draw(); root [4] .q Good luck, GC