expFit ------ The program expFit illustrates use of ROOT classes including TMinuit for doing a maximum likelihood fit. This is not Elegant Programming but illustrates a few things you can do with these classes. Download all the files to a separate directory and type gmake to build the program expFit. You may need to modify some environment variables such as ROOTSYS; please consult your local ROOT expert. When you execute expFit it will give you a prompt. Your first command should be input which will prompt you for a file name with input data. Answer with mltest.dat. Then you can have minuit carry out any of its algorithms such as "simplex" or "migrad", and these can also be abbreviated. Try typing "sim" and then "mig" (no quotes). Finally type "plot". This is not bullet-proof code -- just something to illustrate the main ideas. Please let me know if you see any major problems. G. Cowan RHUL Physics Dept. g.cowan@rhul.ac.uk