Next: 1 Programming Basics
Up: Introduction
Previous: Objectives
Assessment is based on the answers you give to the exercises included
in the course. You should write down these answers along with any
notes you wish to make in your lab book. Generally your answers
should include printed listings of programs you write or modify
and printed output from tests you have run to demonstrate that your
program works.
Your answers will be assessed on the following criteria:
- quality and correctness of the answer --
applies to both written answers and program listings and output;
- code presentation -- your programs should be clearly laid out
with appropriate use of variable/method names, comments and
- programming style -- solutions should be simple, efficient and
- testing -- when appropriate, you need to demonstrate that
your program works by testing its key features and comparing the
resulting output with what you expected, e.g. a result calculated by
hand. Make sure you write this down! You can't get marks for it, if it's
only in your head.
Your final mark will be based on a subset of the exercises, but you
must still attempt all of them. A few exercises may be worked through
as examples in class if they are posing particular problems or raise
interesting issues. The maximum marks for each exercise are shown beside the exercise in the script.
At the end of the course you must hand in for marking:
- your lab notebook, containing the answers, notes and printout described above;
- your programs: just the .java files, no .class files please, will be collected via turnitin, You will be given instructions for this later.
- include a table relating exercise numbers to program files names in your notebook.
You will be told where and when to hand in your book during the course.
Next: 1 Programming Basics
Up: Introduction
Previous: Objectives
RHUL Dept. of Physics