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6 Output Analysis

During the execution the following things are recorded:

If the output format is ASCII i.e. if BDSIM was invoked with the --output=ascii option, then the output file “output.txt” containing the hits will be written which has rows like

#hits PDGtype p[GeV/c] x[micron] y[micron] z[m] x'[microrad] y'[microrad]

11 250 -4.72907 -5.86656 5.00001e-06 0 0

11 250 -8.17576 -4.99729 796.001 0.320334 -0.126792

If ROOT output is used then the root files output_0.root, output_1.root etc. will be created with each file containing the number of events given by nperfile option. The file contains the energy loss histogram and a tree for every sampler in the line with self-explanatory branch names.