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4 Visualization

When BDSIM is invoked in interactive mode, the run is controlled by the Geant4 shell. A visualization macro should be then provided. A simple visualization macro is include with the distribution, and is outlined below.

     # Invoke the OGLSX driver
     #  Create a scene handler and a viewer for the OGLSX driver
     /vis/open OGLIX
     # Create an empty scene
     # Add detector geometry to the current scene
     # Attach the current scene handler
     # to the current scene (omittable)
     # Add trajectories to the current scene
     #  Note: This command is not necessary in exampleN03,
     #        since the C++ method DrawTrajectory() is
     #        described in the event action.
     /vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 90 90
     # /vis/drawVolume
     # /tracking/storeTrajectory 0
     /tracking/storeTrajectory 1
     # for BDS:
     #/vis/viewer/zoom 300
     #/vis/viewer/set/viewpointThetaPhi 3 45

By default the macro is read from the file named vis.mac located in the current directory. The name of the file with the macro can also be passed via the vis_mac switch.

     bdsim --file=line.gmad --vis_mac=my_macro.mac

In interactive mode all the Geant4 interactive commands are available. For instance, to fire 100 particles type

/run/beamOn 100

and to end the session type


To display help menu


For more details see 1.