program FIT_GALILEO c Author: Glen Cowan c Date: 13-OCT-1997 c Program to fit a function d = alpha*(h**beta) to measurements of c impact distance d of a ball rolling down a ramp of height h. c Fitting done with the method of least squares. The chi^2 minimization c is carried out with the MINUIT routines from the CERN program library. c Program must be linked with MINUIT and with FCN_GALILEO. implicit NONE c local variables integer n_dof double precision chi2 c variables for MINUIT integer npar parameter (npar = 2) character*10 chnam(npar) integer ierr integer ird integer isav integer istat integer ivarbl integer iwr integer npari, nparx double precision arglis (10) double precision bnd1, bnd2 double precision deriv (npar) double precision dpar (npar) double precision fmin, fedm, errdef double precision covmat (npar, npar) double precision FCN external FCN double precision par (npar) c common block for data integer max_points parameter (max_points = 100) ! must be same as in FCN integer num_points real x(max_points), y(max_points), dy(max_points) common / data_block / num_points, x, y, dy c Initialize MINUIT ird = 5 ! unit number for input to Minuit (keyboard) iwr = 6 ! unit number for output from Minuit (screen) isav = 7 ! unit number for use of the SAVE command call MNINIT (ird, iwr, isav) c Set print level to -1 (no output except SHOW commands) arglis(1) = -1.d0 call MNEXCM (FCN, 'SET PRIN', arglis, 1, ierr, 0) c Define parameters alpha and beta, give initial values and step sizes. call MNPARM (1, 'alpha', 50.d0, 1.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, ierr) call MNPARM (2, 'beta', 0.5d0, 0.1d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, ierr) c Get input data by calling FCN with iflag=1 arglis(1) = 1.d0 call MNEXCM (FCN, 'CALL', arglis, 1, ierr, 0) c Minimize chi2 using SIMPLEX and MIGRAD call MNEXCM (FCN, 'SIMPLEX', arglis, 0, ierr, 0) call MNEXCM (FCN, 'MIGRAD', arglis, 0, ierr, 0) c Compute covariance matrix with HESSE call MNEXCM (FCN, 'HESSE', arglis, 0, ierr, 0) c Get results of fit call MNSTAT (fmin, fedm, errdef, npari, nparx, istat) chi2 = fmin n_dof = num_points - npari call MNPOUT (1, chnam(1), par(1), dpar(1), bnd1, bnd2, ivarbl) call MNPOUT (2, chnam(2), par(2), dpar(2), bnd1, bnd2, ivarbl) call MNEMAT (covmat, npar) write (*, *) write (*, *) 'Fit results:' write (*, *) write (*, *) 'alpha = ', par(1), ' +- ', dpar(1) write (*, *) 'beta = ', par(2), ' +- ', dpar(2) write (*, *) 'cov[alpha,beta] = ', covmat(1,2) write (*, *) 'rho[alpha,beta] = ', covmat(1,2)/(dpar(1)*dpar(2)) write (*, *) 'chi2 = ', chi2 write (*, *) 'n_dof = ', n_dof write (*, *) 'chi2/n_dof = ', chi2/FLOAT(n_dof) stop END