// A simple C++ program to illustrate the use of ROOT class TMinuit // for function minimization. The example shows a Maximum Likelihood // fit for a mixture of truncated exponential and Gaussian. // TMinuit minimizes -2*log(L) as calculated in the function fcn // Glen Cowan // RHUL Physics // November 2020 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; // Declare pointer to data as global (not elegant but TMinuit needs this). vector* xVecPtr = new vector(); // The pdf to be fitted. double pdf(double* xPtr, double par[]){ double x = *xPtr; double theta = par[0]; double xi = par[1]; double mu = par[2]; double sigma = par[3]; double xMax = par[4]; double normConst = ROOT::Math::gaussian_cdf(xMax, sigma, mu) - ROOT::Math::gaussian_cdf(0., sigma, mu); double f = 0; if (x >= 0 && x <= xMax && xi > 0) { double lambda = 1/xi; f = theta * ROOT::Math::gaussian_pdf(x, sigma, mu) / normConst + (1. - theta) * ROOT::Math::exponential_pdf(x, lambda) / (1. - exp(-lambda*xMax)); } return f; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- void generateData(vector* xVecPtr, double parGen[], int numVal){ int seed = 12345; TRandom3 ran(seed); double theta = parGen[0]; double xi = parGen[1]; double mu = parGen[2]; double sigma = parGen[3]; double xMax = parGen[4]; for (int i = 0; i= 0. && x <= xMax; } } else { double r2 = ran.Rndm(); x = - xi * log(1. - r2*(1. - exp(-xMax/xi))); } xVecPtr->push_back(x); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // fcn passes back fObj = -2*ln(L) by reference, the function to be minimized. void fcn(int& npar, double* deriv, double& fObj, double par[], int flag){ vector xVec = *xVecPtr; // xVecPtr is global int n = xVec.size(); double lnL = 0.0; for (int i=0; i 0.0) { lnL += log(f); // need positive f } else { cout << "WARNING -- pdf is negative!!!" << endl; } } fObj = - 2.*lnL; // factor of -2 so minuit gets the errors right } // end of fcn //------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, char **argv) { TApplication theApp("App", &argc, argv); TCanvas* canvas = new TCanvas(); // Set a bunch of parameters to make the plot look nice canvas->SetFillColor(0); canvas->UseCurrentStyle(); canvas->SetBorderMode(0); // still leaves red frame bottom and right canvas->SetFrameBorderMode(0); // need this to turn off red hist frame! gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); canvas->UseCurrentStyle(); gROOT->ForceStyle(); gStyle->SetOptStat(0); gStyle->SetTitleBorderSize(0); gStyle->SetTitleSize(0.04); gStyle->SetTitleFont(42, "hxy"); // for histogram and axis titles gStyle->SetLabelFont(42, "xyz"); // for axis labels (values) gROOT->ForceStyle(); gPad->SetLeftMargin(0.12); gPad->SetRightMargin(0.06); gPad->SetTopMargin(0.06); gPad->SetBottomMargin(0.12); // Generate data. xVecPtr is global. double theta = 0.2; // signal fraction double xi = 5.; // mean of exponential double mu = 10.; // mean of Gaussian double sigma = 2.; // std. dev. of Gaussian double xMax = 20.; const int npar = 5; double parGen[npar]; parGen[0] = theta; parGen[1] = xi; parGen[2] = mu; parGen[3] = sigma; parGen[4] = xMax; int numVal = 200; generateData(xVecPtr, parGen, numVal); vector xVec = *xVecPtr; // Initialize minuit, set initial values etc. of parameters. TMinuit minuit(npar); minuit.SetFCN(fcn); double par[npar]; // the start values double stepSize[npar]; // step sizes double minVal[npar]; // minimum bound on parameter double maxVal[npar]; // maximum bound on parameter string parName[npar]; par[0] = 0.4; // a guess stepSize[0] = 0.04; // take e.g. 0.1 of start value minVal[0] = 0.; // both min/max values zero means no limit maxVal[0] = 1.; parName[0] = "theta"; par[1] = 4.; stepSize[1] = 0.4; minVal[1] = 1.e-3; maxVal[1] = 1.e3; parName[1] = "xi"; par[2] = mu; stepSize[2] = 0.; // fixed minVal[2] = 0.; maxVal[2] = 0.; parName[2] = "mu"; par[3] = sigma; stepSize[3] = 0.; // fixed minVal[3] = 0.; maxVal[3] = 0.; parName[3] = "sigma"; par[4] = xMax; stepSize[4] = 0.; // fixed minVal[4] = 0.; maxVal[4] = 0.; parName[4] = "xMax"; for (int i=0; iSetParameters(MLE); TAxis* xa = func->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis(); TAxis* ya = func->GetHistogram()->GetYaxis(); xa->SetTitleOffset(1.2); // factor multiplies default offset ya->SetTitleOffset(1.5); xa->SetLabelOffset(0.005); ya->SetLabelOffset(0.02); func->SetLineStyle(1); // 1 = solid, 2 = dashed, 3 = dotted func->SetLineColor(1); // black (default) func->SetLineWidth(3); func->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("x"); func->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("f(x; #theta, #xi)"); func->Draw(); double zero = 0.; double yMax = pdf(&zero, MLE)*1.1; func->SetMinimum(0.); func->SetMaximum(yMax); const double tickHeight = yMax*0.05; TLine* tick = new TLine(); for (int i=0; iDrawLine(xVec[i], 0., xVec[i], tickHeight); } } canvas->Update(); canvas->Show(); // Make -2*logL scan for theta int ierr; double arglist[4]; arglist[0] = 1; // par no. (starts at 1, not 0) arglist[1] = 100; // num points arglist[2] = MLE[0] - 0.1; // from arglist[3] = MLE[0] + 0.1; // to minuit.mnexcm("SCAN", arglist, 4, ierr); TCanvas* c1 = new TCanvas(); c1->UseCurrentStyle(); TGraph* tg1 = (TGraph*)minuit.GetPlot(); tg1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#theta"); tg1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("-2 ln L"); tg1->SetTitle(""); TAxis* xa1 = tg1->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis(); TAxis* ya1 = tg1->GetHistogram()->GetYaxis(); xa1->SetTitleOffset(1.2); // factor multiplies default offset ya1->SetTitleOffset(1.2); xa1->SetLabelOffset(0.005); ya1->SetLabelOffset(0.02); tg1->Draw(); c1->Update(); c1->Show(); // Make contour plot TCanvas* c2 = new TCanvas(); c2->UseCurrentStyle(); TGraph* tg2 = (TGraph*)minuit.Contour(100); tg2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#theta"); tg2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#xi"); tg2->SetTitle(""); TAxis* xa2 = tg2->GetHistogram()->GetXaxis(); TAxis* ya2 = tg2->GetHistogram()->GetYaxis(); xa2->SetTitleOffset(1.2); // factor multiplies default offset ya2->SetTitleOffset(1.2); xa2->SetLabelOffset(0.005); ya2->SetLabelOffset(0.02); tg2->Draw(); c2->Update(); c2->Show(); cout << "To exit, quit ROOT from the File menu of the plot" << endl; theApp.Run(true); canvas->Close(); delete canvas; delete tick; delete xVecPtr; delete c1; delete c2; return 0; }