Geant4 User Action Classes

Geant4 provides several base classes the developer can inherit, instantiate and register with the Geant4 run manager as a way of taking various actions defined by the developer at different stages of the simulation. These are described at Geant4 user actions. They provide actions at each level of granularity in the simulation. The actions BDSIM takes in each of these are described in the following sections.


A ‘Run’ is the largest unit of simulation in Geant4 parlance. It is a simulation where all the geometry, fields and physics are fixed and the same throughout. It typically contains many ‘Events’.


This is not used, as BDSIM does not define its own Run object and uses the G4Run one.


  • This histograms for the simulation (Run) are prepared and registered with the BDSAnalysisManager.

  • The start time is printed out.


  • The stop time is printed out.

  • All histograms are written to the output.

  • Clean up



Note, the Primary Generator action is called before this method at the start of each event!


  • Sampler hits collections are created and registered.


  • Primary vertex coordinates are recorded.

  • Sampler, Cylindrical Sampler, Energy Deposition, Tunnel Energy Deposition hits are recorded in that order.

  • Primary impact points and loss points are recorded.

  • Output is written.

  • Trajectories matching filtering criteria are prepared and written to output.


This allows the developer to fiddle the priority of particles (primary and secondary) based on their properties.


  • All neutrinos are killed by default to save time on tracking.

  • If specified in GMAD::Options stop tracks, the following secondary particles are killed:

    • electrons, photons, positrons and protons/antiprotons

  • If stop secondaries is specified, all secondaries are killed.

  • If the track is beyond the limit of tracks per event, it is killed.

  • If a particle is flagged as killed and it’s in a volume that has sensitivity an attempt is made to process the sensitivity by dynamically casting the sensitive detector to a variety of BDSIM ones.


The tracking action happens when a track is created (a new particle) and when it is finished tracking.


  • Trajectories are stored if requested or as required for visualisation.

  • If no trajectories are required (turned off and in batch mode) a special reduced trajectory is created for the primary particle only that marks its first impact and its loss location.


  • The primary particle loss point is flagged as in a collimator or not.


Only UserSteppingAction is implemented and only to provide verbose output if required.



This uses a single particle gun and uses BDSBunch derived classes to generate various distributions of single primary particles.

Strong Reproducibility

Note, the primary generator action is the first thing to be called per event that advances the random number generator. Therefore, the seed state is saved and restored here. If strong reproduction is requested using the executable flag --recreate=<file>, the options will be loaded from the output file, including the bunch distribution, and all will be recreated.