Converting Models

pymad8 provdies converters to allow BDSIM models to prepared from optical descriptions in MAD8.

For conversion of MAD8 to BDSIM GMAD format, please see the pybdsim documentation

Mad8 output required

Listed here are the MAD8 lines required to generate various output files.

To make the Twiss and Rmat outputs :

use, LINE
twiss, beta0=LINE.B0, save, couple, tape=TWISS_LINE rtape=RMAT_LINE

To make the Chrom output :

use, LINE
twiss, beta0=LINE.B0, save, chrom, tape=CHROM_LINE

To make the Envelope output :

use, LINE
envel, sigma0=LINE.SIGMA0, save, tape=ENVEL_LINE

To make the Survey output :

use, LINE
survey, tape=SURVEY_LINE