Don't worry if you don't know what this means yet; you will be shown how to compile a program during the first session.
... processor2
The processor is the part of the computer which does all the work, e.g. the Intel Pentium processor in your PC.
... comments3
Appendix B, Dealing with Errors, explains this and other techniques for debugging.
... bits4
A bit is the smallest unit of computer memory. It may be thought of as either a 1 or a 0 in some binary code. 8 bits make up 1 byte of memory.
... copy5
It is a good idea to save versions of your programs as they develop so that if the changes you make cause new errors you have a working previous version of your program to refer to. Remember to change the name of the public class so it matches the filename.
Initialise -- assign a value to a variable for the first time
... below.7
NB the type conversion examples above work for JDK 1.3, but older versions of Java, e.g. J++, do not support this syntax. Instead you have to use something like this:
x = Double.valueOf(temp).doubleValue();
... site8
... format9
In the example, myFormat is actually an object of type DecimalFormat, but objects will not be covered until section 8, so for the moment you can assume that it works like a variable which, rather than a number, stores something more abstract which describes how to format numbers.
... arguments.10
The area of a triangle with sides a, b, c is given by Heron's formula:

area = $\displaystyle \sqrt{{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}}$

where s = (a + b + c)/2.
... triangle11
In order for a, b and c to form a triangle, two conditions must be satisfied: all side lengths must be positive; the sum of any two side lengths must be greater than the third side length.
Because the variables exist independently in their separate regions, there is no reason why they should not be given the same variable name if you wish. Even if both were called x the two variables would exist completely independently in their respective scopes.
The word type is used here in the same way as a variable may be of type int for example.
... declarations.14
The main method for the program should still always be declared public static void and should be in a separate public class that does not contain any non-static methods or class variables.
an initial value supplied to the random number generator
... 616
Older versions version of the JDK, such as 1.4.2 and 1.5 should also work fine.
... window17
Alternatively you can use the Jext console. This is not generally recommended as it doesn't work correctly with programs that use text console input. To show the Jext console pane, go to the Edit menu of Jext, select ``Options...'', click on ``General'', then at the bottom of the screen, check the box ``show top tabbed pane (Console)''.