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3.4.1 option

Most of the options in bdsim are set up by the command

option, <name>=value, ...;

The following options influence the geometry:

beampipeRadius default beampipe outer radius [m]
beampipeThickness default beampipe thickness [m]
pipeMaterial default beampipe material
boxSize default accelerator component size [m]
vacMaterial the beam pipe gas material (default “Vacuum”, which is composed of 48.2\% H, 22.1\% C and 29.7 \% O, and has a temperature of 300K)
vacuumPressure the pressure of the beam pipe gas in bar (default 1e-12)
buildTunnel whether to build a tunnel (default=0)
buildTunnelFloor whether to add a floor to the tunnel (default=0)
tunnelRadius tunnel radius [m]
tunnelThickness the thickness of the tunnel wall [m]
tunnelSoilThickness the thickness of the soil surrounding the tunnel [m]
tunnelMaterial the material of the tunnel (default concrete)
soilMaterial the material of the soil surrounding the tunnel (default soil)
tunnelOffsetX the horizontal offset of the tunnel with respect to the beam line
tunnelOffsetY the vertical offset of the tunnel with respect to the beam line
tunnelFloorOffset the offset of the tunnel floor from the centre of the tunnel
samplerDiameter the diameter of the sampler planes (default is 2 times tunnelRadius)
blmRad the radius of the beam loss monitor cylinders
blmLength the lengths of the beam loss monitor cylinders
includeIronMagFields whether to include the magnetic fields in the magnet iron (default=1)

The following options influence the tracking:

maximumTrackingTime maximum tracking time for entire simulation
deltaChord chord finder precision
deltaIntersection boundary intersection precision
chordStepMinimum minimum step size
lengthSafety element overlap safety
minimumEpsilonStep minimum relative error acceptable in stepping
maximumEpsilonStep maximum relative error acceptable in stepping
deltaOneStep set position error acceptable in an integration steps

The following options influence the physics:

physicsList determines the set of physics processes used
thresholdCutCharged charged particle cutoff energy
thresholdCutPhotons photon cutoff energy
stopTracks if set, tracks are terminated after interaction
with material and energy deposit recorded
synchRadOn turn on Synchrotron Radiation process
srTrackPhotons whether to track the SR photons
srLowX sets lowest energy of SR to X*E_critical
srLowGamE lowest energy of propagating SR photons
srMultiplicity a factor multiplying the number of synchrotron radiation photons
prodCutPhotons standard overall production cuts for photons (default 0.7 mm)
prodCutPhotonsP precision production cuts for photons in the precision region (default 0.7 mm)
prodCutPhotonsA precision production cuts for photons in the approximation region (default 1 m)
prodCutElectrons standard overall production cuts for electrons (default 0.7 mm)
prodCutElectronsP precision production cuts for electrons in the precision region (default 0.7 mm)
prodCutElectronsA precision production cuts for electrons in the approximation region (default 1 m)
prodCutPositrons standard overall production cuts for positrons (default 0.7 mm)
prodCutPositronsP precision production cuts for positrons in the precision region (default 0.7 mm)
prodCutPositronsA precision production cuts for positrons in the approximation region (default 1 m)
turnOnCerenkov if set, Cerenkov radiation is turned on
defaultRangeCut the default predicted range at which a particle is cut. Default is 0.7mm
gammaToMuFe the cross section enhancement factor for the gamma to muon process
annihiToMuFe the cross section enhancement factor for the electron-positron annihilation to muon process
eetoHadronsFe the cross section enhancement factor for the electron-positron annihilation to hadrons process
useEMLPB if set, electromagnetic lead particle biasing is used. Default is 0
LPBFraction the fraction of EM processes in which electromagnetic lead particle biasing is used, from 0.0=never to 1.0=always

The following options influence the generation:

randomSeed seed for the random number generator;
setting to -1 uses the system clock to generate the seed
ngenerate number of primary particles fired when in batch mode

The following options influence the output

elossHistoBinWidth bin width in metres for the energy loss histogram
sensitiveBeamlineComponents if set, energy losses in beamline components are recorded in the energy loss histogram. Set by default
sensitiveBeamPipe if set, energy losses in the beam pipe are recorded in the energy loss histogram. Set by default
sensitiveBLMs if set, energy losses in the beam loss monitors are recorded in the energy loss histogram. Set by default
storeTrajectory if set, the trajectories are stored in the root file
storeMuonTrajectories if set, the muon trajectories are stored in the root file
storeNeutronTrajectories if set, the neutron trajectories are stored in the root file
trajCutGTZ do not store any trajectories who end less than this z distance
trajCutLTR do not store any trajectories who end outside of this radius

Miscellaneous options:

nperfile number of events recorded per file in ROOT output
nlinesIgnore number of lines to skip when reading bunch files

For a more detailed description of how the option influence the tracking see Physics