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3.4.2 beam

The parameters related to the beam are set with the beam command

beam, <name>=value, ...;

There is a set of predefined distribution types that can be generated 1. In this case one needs to specify the following parameters:

and, in addition, other parameters that depend on the distribution type that has been chosen:

  1. Global options:
  2. distrType=”reference”: a reference orbit particle, which has the offsets in the global options so
  3. distrType=”gauss”: a gaussian in x, x', y, y', energy and time, with given widths:
  4. distrType=”gausstwiss”: a gaussian bunch defined by twiss parameters 4, emittance, energy and time:
  5. distrType=”gaussmatrix”: a gaussian bunch defined by N(N-1)/2 elements of sigma matrix, this overwrites sigmaX, sigmaXp, sigmaY, sigmaYp, sigmaE and sigmaT variables if they have been defined previously. It will also recalculate the Twiss parameters.
  6. distrType=”eshell”: an infinitely thin elliptic shell (locus) in x,x' and y,y' with given semiaxes:
  7. distrType=“ring”: in the x, y plane the particles are uniformly distributed in r and in \phi inside a ring with inner radius Rmin and outer radius Rmax. x', y' and time are exactly Xp0,Yp0 and T0 respectively for each generated particle. The kinetic energy distribution is a gaussian of width sigmaE centered about the nominal beam kinetic energy.


     beam, particle="e+", energy=100*MeV, distrType="gauss", sigmaX=0.01,
                 sigmaXp=0.1, sigmaY=0.01, sigmaYp=0.1;

In alternative, one can pass to the simulation a file containing a list of particles to be generated. For more details see Bunch description formats.


[1] see src/ for more details