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3.4.3 sample and csample

To record the tracking results one uses the sample and csample commands. To insert a sampling plane before <element> the following command should be used:

sample, range=<element>;


     sample, range=d;

To put a cylindrical sampler of length l0 (in [m]) around element <element> at distance r0 (in [m]) the following command should be used:

csample, range=<element>, r=r0, l=l0;

Samplers output the following parameters at the specified location:

E Energy[GeV] E0 Energy at last scatter[Gev]
X Global X position s path length
Y Global Y position t time of flight
Z Global Z position t0 time of flight at last scatter
Xp Global angle in x-z trackID trackID of particle
Yp Global angle in y-z weight weight of track
Zp 1-sqrt(Xp^2+Yp^2) parentID trackID of parent particle
x Relative x position x0 x at last scatter
y Relative y position y0 y at last scatter
z Relative z position 1 z0 z at last scatter
xp Relative angle in x-z xp0 xp at last scatter
yp Relative angle in y-z yp0 yp at last scatter
zp 1-sqrt(xp^2+yp^2) zp0 xp at last scatter
nEvent Event number partID PDG particle identifier


[1] See Known Issues