Machine Diagram

Topics Covered

  • Adding a machine diagram to a plot


BDSIM by default stores a record of the “model” in the Model tree in each output file. This can be used to add a machine diagram to a plot using pybdsim.

  • Using data from bdsim/examples/features/data/.

cd bdsim/examples/feautres/data
>>> import pybdsim
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> d = pybdsim.Data.Load("ana1.root")
>>> h = d.histograms1dpy["Event/PerEntryHistograms/EnergyLossManual"]
>>> bw =  "{:.2f}".format(h.xwidths[0])
>>> pybdsim.Plot.Histogram1D(h, "S (m)", "Energy Deposition (GeV / "+bw+" m / Event)")
>>> pybdsim.Plot.AddMachineLatticeFromSurveyToFigure(plt.gcf(), d.model)