Analysing Geometry

Finding volumes

Before editing geometry it is useful to find a logical volume. The registry contains all the logical volumes using the GDML in pyg4ometry/test/gdmlG4examples/ChargeExchangeMC/

1import pyg4ometry
2r = pyg4ometry.gdml.Reader("lht.gdml")
3reg = r.getRegistry()

The registry instance reg has a member variable called logicalVolumeDict so calling


should print

In [4]: reg.logicalVolumeDict.keys()
Out[4]: odict_keys(['vMonitor', 'vMonitorBack', 'vTarget', 'vTargetInnerCover', 'vTargetColumn', 'vTargetInnerColumn',
                    'vTargetVacuumSpace', 'vTargetOuterCover', 'vCrystal', 'vCrystalRow', 'vCalorimeter', 'vVetoCounter',
                    'vOuterFerrumRing', 'vInnerFerrumRing', 'vInnerCuprumRing', 'vTargetWindow', 'vTargetWindowCap',
                    'vTargetWindowMylarCover', 'vTargetWindowAluminiumCover', 'vWorldVisible', 'World'])

then the LogicalVolume can be obtained simply from the dictionary

lv = reg.logicalVolumeDict['vTargetInnerColumn']

This lv can be used for manipulating geometry, passing to visualisers etc.

Geometry Complexity Analysis

For a given logical volume we can get some statistics on the complexity of the geometry. A simple class called GeometryComplexityInformation is returned that has a serious of dictionaries with information.

cd pyg4ometry/test/gdmlCompoundExamples/bdsim_2
>>> import pyg4ometry
>>> r = pyg4ometry.gdml.Reader("22-size-variation-facetcrop-quad.gdml")
>>> info = pyg4ometry.geant4.AnalyseGeometryComplexity(r.getRegistry().getWorldVolume())
>>> info.printSummary()
Types of solids
ExtrudedSolid        : 96
Tubs                 : 51
Intersection         : 24
Polyhedra            : 12
Subtraction          : 6
Box                  : 1

# of daughters       count
0                    : 152
2                    : 19
4                    : 12
13                   : 6
25                   : 1

Depth of booleans    count
1                    : 30

Booleans width depth over  3
Solid name                               : n Booleans

>>> info. <tab>
comp.booleanDepth      comp.nDaughtersPerLV
comp.booleanDepthCount comp.printSummary
comp.nDaughters        comp.solids