
pyg4ometry is developed exclusively for Python 3 (Python2 is deprecated). It is developed on Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11.


The following should be installed using your package manager (e.g. homebrew, macports, apt, yum). These are not Python package, but need to be available on your system.

System Requirements

Python packages that are required but will be found through PIP automatically:

Python Requirements (automatically installed)



A full list can be found in pyg4ometry/


if you are choosing a Python version, it is worth choosing according to which version VTK provides a python build of through PIP if you use that. See For example, there are limited builds for M1 Mac (ARM64).

Example Setup With HomeBrew on Mac

brew install vtk cgal antlr4-cpp-runtime pybind11 cython opencascade mpfr


To install pyg4ometry, you can install it from the website PyPi provided you have the system requirements available listed above.

pip install pyg4ometry

We try to provide many builds of pyg4ometry to match different python and architectures, but it is possible such a combination is not available and pip will not ‘find’ the package.

Alternatively, you can install the package from source. First, clone the git repository, then follow the setup steps. We provide some example commands in a Makefile in the top level directory (just a text file). To use this, simply run make install or one of the “rules” listed below after make from the root pyg4ometry directory:

cd /my/path/to/repositories/
git clone
git checkout develop
cd pyg4ometry

make install


make install_venv

All of the “rules” provided are listed here. The ones with the suffix “venv” will work if using a Python virtual environment.

Makefile Rule



Install in a user directory and not the system one


Install in the system directory including venv


Remove pyg4ometry


Build in place and install with Python such that it uses the files from the git directory rather than a copy


Similar to develop, but compatible with venv


Compile the C++ libraries only


Clean all build products

Or install from pypi:

pip install pyg4ometry

or alternatively, run make develop from the same directory to ensure that any local changes are picked up.

Docker image

  1. Download and install Docker desktop

  2. open a terminal (linux) or cmd (windows)

  3. (windows) Start Xming or Vxsrv

  4. Download the pyg4ometry docker file

  5. docker build -t ubuntu-pyg4ometry -f Dockerfile-ubuntu-pyg4ometry .

If you need to update increment the variable ARG PYG4OMETRY_VER=1

To start the container

  1. open a terminal (linux/mac) or cmd (windows)

  2. get your IP address ifconfig (linux/mac) or ipconfig /all (windows)

  3. Start XQuartz (mac) or Xming/Vxsrv (windows). For Xming/Vxsrv (might need to play with the settings when launching)

  4. docker run -ti -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -v YOURWORKDIR:/tmp/Physics -e DISPLAY=YOUR_IP ubuntu-pyg4ometry (the -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix is only required for mac/linux)

Test the installation

  1. docker> cd pyg4ometry/pyg4ometry/test/pythonGeant4/

  2. docker> ipython

  3. python> import pyg4ometry

  4. python> import T001_Box

  5. python> T001_Box.Test(True,True)

Linux installation

There are docker files for Centos 7 and Ubuntu 20. The docker files can be used as list of instructions for installation for each of these OSes.

FreeCAD support for CAD to GDML conversion

For FreeCAD support and you already have it installed you need to add library to PYTHONPATH, for example

export PYTHONPATH=/opt/local/libexec/freecad/lib/

Building FreeCAD can be a pain for MAC so

mkdir FreeCAD
cd FreeCAD
set FCROOT=$pwd
tar zxf 0.19_pre.tar.gz
mkdir build
mkdir install
cd build
cmake ../FreeCAD-0.18.4 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install \
-DCOIN3D_LIBRARIES=/opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Inventor.framework/Libraries/libCoin.dylib -DBUILD_FEM=0 \
make -jN
make install

Python 3.9

At the time of writing, there are limited VTK distributions for Python 3.9 on pypi (what PIP uses when finding packages). However, you can have VTK with Python 3.9 through say MacPorts or by compiling it yourself. In this case, you can comment out the VTK requirement from the around line 86, as long as you know you can import vtk ok in your Python installation.


ANTLR will create an unbelievable amount of warnings when using a different ANRLR version that the one the parser was generated with. It should work though. We are trying to include multiple versions of the ANTLR parser to avoid this in future.