Building Models
pybdsim provides a series of classes that allows a BDSIM model to be built programmatically in Python and finally written out to BDSIM input syntax (‘gmad’).
Creating A Model
The Machine
class provides the functionality to create a BDSIM model.
>>> a = pybdsim.Builder.Machine()
First, we construct an instance of the Machine class, then call various functions to add components to the beam line. As each one is added, it is appended to the sequence. There is one function for each beam line element in BDSIM. Each of these functions begins with “Add”. e.g.
>>> a.AddDrift("d1", length=0.1)
Each function has a different set of arguments depending on what is required for that element. (e.g. “k1” is required for a quadrupole). Every function takes a set of keyword arguments (‘kwargs’ - see kwargs - Flexibility) that will be added to the definition:
>>> a.AddDrift("d2", length=1.2, aper1=0.3, aper2=0.4, apertureType="rectangular")
No checking is done on these parameters and they are simply written out.
Extra definition objects (e.g. a field map definition) can be constructed and added to the machine so that they are written out with it.
>>> fm1 = pybdsim.Builder.Field("f1", magneticFile="../maps/QNL.dat")
>>> a.AddObject(fm1)
The arguments can generally be found by using a question mark on a function.:
>>> a.AddDrift?
Signature: a.AddDrift(name='dr', length=0.1, **kwargs)
Docstring: Add a drift to the beam line
File: ~/physics/reps/pybdsim/
Type: instancemethod
Adding Options
No options are required to run the most basic BDSIM model. However, it is often advantageous to specify at least a few options such as the physics list and default aperture. To add options programmatically, there is an options class. This is instantiated and then ‘setter’ methods are used to set values of parameters. This options instance can then be associated with a machine instance. For example:
>>> o = pybdsim.Options.Options()
>>> o.SetPhysicsList('em hadronic decay muon hadronic_elastic')
>>> a = pybdsim.Builder.Machine()
>>> a.AddOptions(o)
The possible options can be seen by using tab complete in ipython:
>>> a.Set<tab>
Only the most common options are currently implement. Please see Feature Request to request others.
Adding a Beam
A beam definition that specifies at least the particle type and total energy is required to run a BDSIM model. The machine class will provide a default such that the model will run ‘out of the box’, but is of course of interest to specify these options. To add a beam definition, there is a beam class. This is instantiated and then ‘setter’ methods are used to set values of parameters. this beam instance can then be associated with a machine instance. For example:
>>> b = pybdsim.Beam.Beam()
>>> b.SetDistributionType('reference')
>>> b.SetEnergy(25, 'GeV')
>>> b.SetParticleType('proton')
>>> a = pybdsim.Builder.Machine()
>>> a.AddBeam(b)
More setter functions will dynamically appear based on the distribution type set.
Writing a Machine
Once completed, a machine can be written out to gmad files to be used as input for BDSIM. This is done as follows:
>>> a = pybdsim.Builder.Machine()
>>> a.Write('outputfilename')
The user may supply units as strings that will be written to the gmad syntax as a Python tuple. For example:
>>> a = pybdsim.Builder.Machine()
>>> a.AddDrift('d1', (3.2, 'm'))
This will result in the following gmad syntax:
>>> print a[0]
d1: drift, l=3.2*m;
There is no checking on the string supplied, so it is the users responsibility to supply a valid unit string that BDSIM will accept.
kwargs - Flexibility
‘kwargs’ are optional keyword arguments in Python. This allows the user to supply arbitrary options to a function that can be inspected inside the function as a dictionary. BDSIM gmad syntax to define an element generally follows the pattern:
name : type, parameter1=value, parameter2=value;
Many parameters can be added and this syntax is regularly extended. It would
therefore be impractical to have every function with all the possible arguments.
To solve this problem, the **kwargs
argument allows the user to
specify any option that will be passed along and written to file in the element
definition as ‘key=value’. For example:
>>> a = pybdsim.Builder.Machine()
>>> a.AddDrift('drift321', 3.2, aper1=5, aper2=4.5, apertureType="rectangular")
This will result in the following gmad syntax being written:
>>> print a[0]
drift321: drift, apertureType="rectangular", aper2=4.5, aper1=5, l=3.2;
Anywhere you see a function with the last argument as **kwargs
, this
feature can be used.
The arguments included in the function signatures are the minimum arguments required for functionality.