Model Comparison
Once a BDSIM model has been prepared from another model, it is of interest to validate it to ensure the model has been prepared correctly.
Preparing Optics with BDSIM
The BDSIM model should be run with a ‘core’ beam distribution - ie typically a Gaussian or Twiss Gaussian that will match the optics of the lattice. For a physics study one might use a halo, but this is unsuitable for optics validation.
To compare, a BDSIM model is run with samplers attached to each element. This records all of the particle coordinates at the end of each element. Once finished a separate program (‘rebdsim’) is used to calculate moments and optical functions from the distribution at each plane. This information can then be compared to an analytical description of the lattice such as that from MADX.
It is important to open any apertures that are by design close to the beam such as collimators. A non-Gaussian distribution will affect the calculation of the optical parameters from the particle distribution.
Running BDSIM
We recommend the following settings:
Collimators are opened to at least 6 sigma of the beam distribution at their location.
The stopSecondaries and stopTracks options are turned on to prevents secondaries being simulated and recorded.
The physics list is set to “” - an empty string. This leaves only magnetic field tracking so that if a particle does hit the accelerator it will pass through without scattering.
Simulate between 1000 and 50000 particles (events).
This procedure is only suited to comparing linear optical functions. If sextupoles or higher order magnets are present, these should be set to zero strength but must remain in the lattice. The pybdsim.Convert.MadxTfs2Gmad converter for example provides a boolean flag to convert the lattice with only linear optical components. The user may of course proceed with non-linear magnetic fields included but it is only useful to compare the sigma in each dimension to a similarly similuated distribution and not the Twiss parameters.
Analysing Optical Data
The rebdsim tool can be used with an input analysisConfig.txt that specifies CalculateOpticalFunctions to 1 or true in the header (see BDSIM manual). Or the specially prepared optics tool rebdsimOptics can be used to achieve the same outcome - we recommend this. In the terminal:
rebdsimOptics bdsimRawOutputFile.root optics.root
This may take a few minutes to process. This analyses the file from the BDSIM run called ‘bdsimRawOutputFile.root’ and produces another ROOT file called optics.root with a different structure. This output file contains only optical data.
Comparing to MADX
After preparing the optics from BDSIM, they may be compared to a MADX Tfs instance with the following command in Python (for example):
>>> pybdsim.Compare.MadxVsBDSIM('twiss_v5.2fs', 'optics.root')
This will produce a series of plots comparing the orbit, beam size, and linear optical functions.
The MADX twiss file (in tfs format) should contain all the possible columns in the Twiss Module table. This can be prepared in a similar way as we would do for converting to BDSIM GMAD syntax:
select,flag=twiss, clear;
twiss,sequence=SEQUENCENAME, file=twiss.tfs;
The user should take care to ensure the emittance and energy spread (EX, EY, SIGE) are correctly specified in MADX for accurate comparison. The energy spread will contribute to the beam size in dispersive regions. The emittance will scale the beam size.
Comparing to MAD8
The comparison for MAD8 is exactly the same as MADX - please see above for further details. One difference is that both a TWISS and ENVELOPE file are required.:
>>> pybdsim.Compare.Mad8VsBDSIM('../mad8/TWISS_T4D', '../mad8/ENVEL_T4D', 'xfel_optics.root')
Comparing to BDSIM
Two BDSIM optics files can also be compared with the following command:
>>> pybdsim.Compare.BDSIMVsBDSIM('optics1.root', 'optics2.root')
Comparing to PTC
BDSIM output can be compared to the PTC output from the PTC_TRACK routine available in MADX. The PTC output is written to a file typically named trackone, however it is necessary to convert this into a BDSIM-like ROOT output file. This can be easily accomplished with the ptc2bdsim tool, however the particle species and nominal momentum is required to correctly convert to the BDSIM coordinate convention. An example terminal command:
ptc2bdsim trackone ptc.root proton 0.9999
Once the ROOT file has been generated, the rebdsimOptics tool (see Analysing Optical Data) must be used to generate the ROOT file with the appropriate optical data. Finally, the two files can be compared with the following command:
>>> pybdsim.Compare.PTCVsBDSIM('ptc_optics.root', 'bdsim_optics.root')
Comparing to Transport
With the help of pytransport a TRANSPORT “FOR002” output file that has sigma matrices can be read and compared with BDSIM output:
>>> pybdsim.Compare.TransportVsBDSIM('FOR002.DAT', 'bdsim_optics.root')