My father Eugene (Bud) Cowan
used to build cloud chambers. Here are some photos.
The EU-funded Training Network
Some outreach:
Talk for the 2020 All-Rusian Science Festival NAUKA 0+ Статистический анализ данных и научный метода>;
RHUL Evening Lecture 8 Dec 2017,
Using Machine Learning at the Large Hadron Collider (podcast and slides); Antimatter: the
picture that was not reversed. Talk given to the West of London Astronomical Society, 12
March 2007 (ppt,
RHUL sees the
2004 Venus Transit. Link to
Guardian with our jet + planet photo. And here is a related
talk I gave at the IoP Physics
Update Course at RHUL, 9 April 2005.
Royal Holloway
physics department and its moodle page.
Royal Holloway particle physics
group and its twiki
page, the Physics
Department twiki page.
course page for
Statistical Data Analysis (for
Particle Physics PhD and PH4515),
and the versions of this course for the
University of Aachen Graduiertenkolleg, for
YETI 2007 (IPPP Durham)
and for the
CERN Summer Student Lecture Programme. Here
is a short version on youtube from a school at the Galileo Galilei Institute in Florence, January 2017.
Lectures on Statistical Inference
for Particle and Astro Physics at the
Weizmann Institute (March 2015);
Lectures on Statistical Methods
for Discovery and Limits at the
University of Freiburg Graduiertenkolleg
Physik an Hadron-Beschleunigern (June 2011),
at the DESY Terascale School (October 2011),
and at the NIKHEF Onderzoekschool
Subatomaire Fysica (December 2011).
The "Errors on Errors Paper", aka
G. Cowan, Statistical Models with Uncertain Error Parameters",
Phys. J. C (2019) 79:133 or
arXiv:1809.05778. Here is
a talk (slides,
video) from
the 2019
Phystat-nu meeting at CERN, or this seminar in Beijing. An application
is described in G. Cowan, Effect of Systematic Uncertainty Estimation on
the Muon g − 2 Anomaly,
EPJ Web of Conferences 258, 09002 (2022),
arXiv:2107.02652. See also E.
Canonero, A. Brazzale and G. Cowan, "Higher-order asymptotic corrections and their application to the Gamma Variance Model", Eur. Phys. J. C (2023) 83:1100,
The "Asimov Paper", aka
Asymptotic formulae for likelihood-based tests of new physics, by
Cowan, Cranmer, Gross and Vitells, EPJC
71 (2011) 1554. or
arXiv:1007.1727. Some of
the content is described in this talk (Cambridge seminar,
Materials for the
lectures on
statistical methods for particle physics at Tsinghua University,
12-16 April, 2010. Webpage for
iStep 2015 (Jinan).
Academic training lectures
Statistics at the LHC, CERN, 14-17 June, 2010.
The materials for my lectures on
advanced statistical methods for data
analysis (multivariate methods) for the University of Mainz
(Klausurtagung des GK "Eichtheorien -- experimentelle Tests...",
Bullay/Mosel, 15-17 September, 2008). These are updated versions of
my lectures on multivariate statistical
methods in particle physics (CERN Academic Training Lectures,
16-19 June, 2008).
University of London Postgraduate
Lectures in Particle Physics.
The home page of
Statistical Data Analysis
(the book)
Course pages for Particle Physics:
PH3520 and PH4442.
Old course pages for
PH2900 (astronomy),
PH3930 (particle astrophysics), and
PH2150 (scientific computing skills),
PH3140 (Galaxies seminar),
PH3010 (MSci skills).
experiments at
CERN, and some recent
ALEPH work.
BaBar experiment at
SLAC, the
UK BaBar home page, the
BaBar computing page,
and some BaBar work.
ATLAS Experiment. The
ATLAS Statistics Forum page, its
hypernews and
agenda pages; more useful ATLAS stuff,
and ATLAS glance.
Interdisciplinary Cluster Workshop on Statistics 2014,
Garching, Germany.
The Conference on
Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy IV at
the Penn State Center for Astrostatistics, 12-15 June 2006.
XIV International
Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS 2006),
20/April/2006 - 24/April/2006, Tsukuba, Japan.
The Conference on
Statistical Problems in Particle Physics, Astrophysics
and Cosmology at SLAC 8th - 11th September 2003.
(Glen Cowan
Oxford from 12-15 September 2005,
CERN, 27-29 June 2007;
PHYSTAT 2011 at CERN, 17-19 January 2011.
Topical Seminar on Frontier of Particle Physics 2004: QCD and Light Hadrons
, Beijing, 26-30 September, 2004.
Some interesting
Some basic stuff
about baseball and pictures of
2005 staff-student game.
astronomy stuff.
2014 IOP Joint HEPP/APP Meeting at Royal Holloway, 7-9 April 2014.
Google Scholar page
and my Inspire profile.